Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A Wake Up Call

Some people call it the 3:00am sweats, some call it a busy mind, other say it's insomnia. For me, it's a wake up call (no pun intended).

I'm talking about those sleepless nights that we all have from time to time. Those nights where you're wide awake, you can't seem to get comfortable, you're trying everything to get your mind to wind down, you're making sure to NOT look at the clock because you don't want to know how much sleep you've lost out on already. You all know what I'm talking about.

I have battled with these sleepless nights on and off my entire life. At one point, in college, these sleepless nights got so bad for me that I was forced to make some changes.

Insomnia can happen for a lot of reasons. However, most of the time, people can't sleep because they're in need of a wake up call. There is something going on in your life that you just can't shake. Maybe it's a failing relationship, a mound of debt that keeps piling, a big move to a new city, or an upcoming deadline. Whatever your "thing" is that is keeping you awake, it is a product of your doubts and fears, and it won't go away until you deal with it. This is much easier said than done, as sometimes you can't deal with it. More often, it's not that you can't deal with it, but that you won't deal with it. If you're facing sleepless nights, ask yourself, is this something that I'm refusing to deal with because it scares me, or is this something that is out of my control? Stay tuned for my next blog. I'll talk more about my personal battles with sleepless nights, and some ways that I have learned to beat these sleepless nights.

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