Thursday, May 23, 2013

We Need to Stop Believing that God Can and Start Believing That God Will

Lately I've been stuck in this "can" space. These past couple of weeks have been filled with tragedy, grief, death, despair, and destruction that have shaken me to my very core. They have completely stripped my belief in the will, so that all I have left is God can, I know that God can...

I know that God CAN answer prayers. I know that God CAN do miracles. I know that God CAN heal the sick. While these are great truths to remain in during dark times, they are also dangerous truths to remain in. Is the word "dangerous" a little extreme? Maybe, but I really don't think so.

It's dangerous because our thoughts and prayers either limit God, or allow God. See when we limit God to "can prayers," we are showing doubt, disbelief, and lack of faith. You're kidding yourself if you think that Satan can't sniff these kind of prayers from a mile away. And Satan loves it when we experience doubt, disbelief, and a lack of faith. Let me ask you, are you a "can prayer?" Are you surprised when a prayer gets answered? If you're a "can prayer," you're limiting God instead of allowing God.

It's a different thing entirely knowing that God WILL answer prayers, that God WILL do miracles, and knowing that God WILL heal the sick. When you believe that God will, you are choosing to believe in a God that is alive and active. A God that is moving and working, even when we can't see it.

I have a good friend, who is so steadfast in her "will" believing that it's almost unsettling. I recently asked her how she can be so sure, all of the time, that God "will." Her response was this: Everyday I get up and look in the mirror and I see all of the miracles that God has done in my life, and all of the seemingly impossible things that he has helped me overcome. That is how I know He WILL, because my life is living proof. Wow! I've been using this logic ever since. Anytime I feel myself slipping into that "can" space, I make a point to start thanking God for all of the things He has done in my life. Once I start focusing on all of the things that God has done, it gives me complete confidence in knowing that God will continue.

One place that we have completely lost our "will" faith is with our health. How often do you pray to God for your health truly believing that God WILL bring healing? Knowing God can heal isn't hard to believe. Just read the book of Matthew. But I challenge you to go farther. To start praying "will" prayers over your health. Start praying to a God that is alive and active, asking him to intercede with your chronic disease, constant pain, or lifelong struggle with your weight, knowing that He WILL.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

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