Thursday, August 8, 2013

The KtKronicles

I wanted to take a minute to introduce a new blog that I'm following called "The KtKronicles." I love this blog because it is authentic and real, it's grace filled, and it gets to the heart of the matter right away. No surfacey stuff at all. She gets raw and real in her relationship with Jesus, and leaves me inspired to keep pressing on through another day with HOPE.

Most of all, she is relatable, through her joys and her struggles. I can see myself in each blog.

If you're currently in a "valley" of life, filled with hopelessness and despair, read Katy's most recent blog "365 Days." She talks about how God has taken her OUT of that place. She shows us that God really does keep his promises, He actually does provide in amazing ways when we need them most, and that the valley does come to an end. You can read it here.

Katy is a mom of 4, a writer, a Holy Yoga lover (seriously who isn't?), and a "wife in limbo" as she calls it. She also makes awesome all natural products like laundry detergent and facial cleansers. If you're looking to exchange those chemical cleaners in your home for some all natural ones, check out her stuff.

Visit her blog here, and take a read. I promise you won't regret it!

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

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