Saturday, October 19, 2013

October's Oil of the Month is Lavender

Lavender is one of the oldest oils, dating back to Medieval times, where it was used as perfume, and believed to be an aphrodisiac.

Today, Lavender is known as a universal oil, which means that it balances and repairs the cells in the body and generally works wherever there is a need. When in doubt, use Lavender Oil. This makes Lavender Oil a great essential oil to start with. If you've been interested in using essential oils, give Lavender Oil a try.

Some of the things that the Shroka household uses Lavender Oil for:
- Sunburns. In the last year, I've been sunburned twice. Both times, using Lavender Oil on the burn made a big difference. It helped to minimize pain, and prevented me from peeling. (I usually always peel when I get a sunburn). It had a cooling/ numbing effect that provided immediate relief. I applied lotion to my sunburn first, and then put 2-3 drops of Lavender Oil on my fingers and spread the oil across the sunburn.
- Headaches. My hubby has been super stressed at work lately. He has been coming home with tension headaches in the back of his neck at least once a week. A few months ago, I suggested he try Lavender Oil. I applied it directly to the area of pain on the back of his neck, and up into his hair line. Within minutes, he was feeling 90% better. He kept telling me how amazing the oil had worked. Now he uses it every time he gets a headache, and he has continued to get relief each time.
- Razor Burn. I've been getting razor burn when I shave my legs for a couple of months now. At first it was annoying, but after awhile it really started hurting, to the point that I dreaded shaving my legs. The only relief I found was using some of my hubby's face cream that he puts on after shaving. While it does work to dull the pain of razor burn, it makes me smell like a man, and let's face it, no girl wants that. It occurred to me to try lavender oil just last week after shaving, because I knew lavender was supposed to help "burns." It worked so well, within 30 seconds of applying the oil, the pain and redness was gone! I'm so relieved that I found something that not only works, but smells like flowers, instead of men's cologne.
- Insomnia. Lavender Oil is widely known to help with insomnia because it has a naturally calming/ anti-anxiety effect. I struggle with insomnia randomly, and I've tried using Lavender Oil twice for this issue. I will admit that it did not help me either time. I applied a drop on my pillow each time, and the only thing it did was make my sheets smell great. However, I want to encourage you to try Lavender Oil for insomnia because I have talked to so many people who have had great success with using it.
- Acne. This oil is also widely used for clearing up skin, whether that is in the form of scarring, rashes, hives, acne, or wrinkles. I've only used it for acne, and I have had great results. It works for me in removing redness, swelling, and pain from the pimples that are big, sore, and ugly. It doesn't necessarily clear them up faster (sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't), but it really helps to shrink them down and return normal skin color, so that I can easily cover them up with a little make up and no one knows they are there.

If you have had success using Lavender Oil for something else, share your story! I love hearing success stories from using essential oils. I believe so strongly in their medicinal properties!

If you are interested in purchasing Lavender Oil for yourself, you can order it here: 
- Click on "shop for products" in the top right hand corner.
- After entering the country of shipping, click on "single oils" to find Lavender.
- Experiment to find the many ways that Lavender Oil works to improve your health and wellness.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

If you missed last month's essential oil, click here, to read all about On Guard and how I use it to make all natural cleaning supplies.


  1. I'm going to try it for insomnia...... Mom S

    1. I hope it helps! I know it helps so many people with insomnia. Let me know!
