Thursday, April 11, 2013

There are Some Big Changes Coming...

There are some big changes coming to Health, Hope, & Happiness. I'm so excited I can hardly contain myself! The details are still being ironed out, so for now, you just get a few basics.

1. Health, Hope, & Happiness is getting a major face lift. Here is a tiny preview:
“For the Holy Spirit does not want you to be afraid of people, but to be wise and strong and courageous and to love them and enjoy being with them." 2 Timothy 1:7

"I came that they may have life, and have it to the fullest."John 10:10b

What does this have to do with health and nutrition? You will have to wait until Monday to find out! The official announcement is coming on Monday, April 15th. Check back for all of the details.

2. You can now subscribe to this blog, and receive it to your email! This method is so much easier and more convenient for most people, so I'm excited to be offering it to you all. To subscribe, enter your email address into the section titled "Receive blog entries via email," located at the top right hand sidebar.

3. I'm going to dedicate one blog per month to the "Oil of the Month." If you've followed this blog in the past, you know I blog about once per week, and I blog on a variety of health issues, that are centered around natural and holistic health. I will still be following this topic and frequency. So, why am I dedicating one quarter of my monthly blog to essential oils? Essential oils have played a major roll in my personal healing, and overall daily health. For this reason, I feel that it needs to be shared. It has to be shared! Because it has really truly worked for me in some amazing ways. "Oil of the Month," will be starting in May. Here is a short excerpt:

I have suffered from sciatic pain for the past five years. It all started with an injury I had back in college.  It is constant pain. CONSTANT. Some days it is manageable, other days it is literally crippling. There is a whole laundry list of things that I can't do because the pain will flare up. I have tried so many things, and nothing helps, except for taking pills, which obviously I'm not a fan of. I decided to try some essential oil therapy, because honestly, I figured I had nothing to lose. The oils I used worked, and worked well! I even have pictures to prove it! (yes you read that right, I have pictures). 

The full post will be coming May. I'll share the pictures, let you know what oils I used, and how I used them. Subscribe to my blog to make sure you don't miss this entry!

4. I'm going to be adding more complementary material to this blog on the right hand sidebar. Obviously, I can't possibly blog about everything, so I'm going to be adding other blogs and links to my side bar, so that you can all stay well informed. I hope that this information from others will help to answer your health questions that I don't get a chance to cover. For those of you that don't know, I am a Holy Yoga instructor. I don't get a chance to blog about Holy Yoga as much as I would like to, so I've added a complementary blog: "Breathing in Him." This blog is written by my beautiful and talented Holy Yoga Selah sisters. They love Holy Yoga and they love Jesus. Check them out!

Check back next week for all the details on the changes that are coming to Health, Hope, & Happiness.
