"I came that they may have life, and have it to the fullest." John 10:10b
I am a christian Health Coach, specializing in holistic nutrition. I started Health, Hope, & Happiness - The Jesus Way, in order to bridge the gap between religion and health, so that people can live their fullest life, through Jesus Christ. I design individual health plans for each of my clients, based on the biblical principles of healing, holistic nutrition, and each client's specific needs.
My mission, is to bring physical healing, through biblical principles, the power of prayer, and holistic nutrition; to a broken and diseased world.
I found Holistic Nutrition in 2011 and it was revolutionary for me. My body was broken from years of competitive running, but once I started following some basic principles of holistic nutrition, my body slowly began to heal. My acne cleared up, my weekly headaches went away, my knees no longer ached, and I quit depending on coffee for energy. The healing power of food has been an integral part of my body's healing process, but it has been nothing compared to the healing, comfort, and restoration that comes through Jesus Christ.
At Health, Hope, & Happiness - The Jesus Way, clients receive world class Health Coaching and an extensive knowledge of holistic nutrition, but this isn't what it's all about. Jesus is the center of it all. He is what it's all about.
"and He sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick." Luke 9:2
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