If you suffer from digestive disorders and stomach pain, you aren't alone. Statistics show that 48% of people in the U.S. suffer from digestive pain on a regular basis. Below are the four prayers we prayed over digestive pain throughout the month of June.
1. Father God, I ask for discernment for myself and my doctor around my digestive health. That through your wisdom, I would find a correct diagnosis, as well as clarity into the root cause of my digestive issues, so that I can experience absolute healing from my digestive disorder. In Jesus name, amen.
2. Father God, I ask that you would bring healing to my entire GI Tract. That you would reduce inflammation, regulate my digestion, and enable my body to absorb nutrients. In Jesus name, amen.
3. Lord put a hedge of protection around my digestive system against any and all symptoms including cramping, ulcers, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, gas, & bloating. Should I experience any of these symptoms, please let them pass quickly, and not become a regular issue that interferes with my everyday life. In Jesus name, amen.
4. Lord Jesus I ask for complete freedom and healing from my digestive disorder and stomach pain. In Jesus name, amen.
If you suffer from a digestive disorder or stomach pain, I would encourage you to continue praying these prayers on a regular basis. Print them out and hang them on your fridge, or pray them before each meal.
I pray that these prayers bring you more healing than you even think possible!
Monday, June 30, 2014
Saturday, June 21, 2014
The Truth Behind Being Healthy
"Humans are satisfied with whatever looks good. God probes for what IS good." Proverbs 16:2 MSG
When you read this verse, it's easy to see it as a diss to us humans. We are vain and conceited and easily swayed by outward appearance. But, it's more than that.
It's a reminder of God's omnipotence.
It's a reminder that God always sees everything, always knows everything.
That us humans can only ever get a glimpse of the real truth. All we can do is look for what appears to be good. We aren't capable of probing through all the muck to find what actually is good. We must depend on God for this insight. Only he can reveal the TRUTH to us.
And with God, it always circles back to the heart and what's really going on inside. Because God doesn't settle for false pretense and fake motives. No. Instead he continues to push his people toward Him. Toward holiness. Toward freedom. Toward healing. God continues to pierce through every layer, penetrating straight to the heart of the matter, until all that's left is TRUTH. This is the way that we need to start looking at our health.
It's not about what looks healthy, and it's not about what feels health, it's about what actually IS healthy. I STRUGGLED with acne all throughout high school and college before finally going on topical medication at the age of 23. It was like the sky had opened up and the angels were singing. For the first time in 10 years, I looked in the mirror and I liked what I saw! My skin looked SO HEALTHY! My scars started to diminish, my complexion started to even out, and best of all, I could leave the house without any make up at all. I was on that medication for three years. I felt healthy and I looked healthy, but was I actually? Had I cured the problem and found true health? No, I had simply put a band aid on it and covered up my symptoms.
What looks healthy, is not always healthy. What feels healthy is not always healthy.
Ever wonder how someone can walk around and live their normal everyday life and then one day bam! they get diagnosed with stage four cancer and are given only months to live? They look perfectly healthy. They had been feeling perfectly healthy. There were no warning signs. Yet, they are filled with poison and are far from healthy.
Because what looks healthy is not always healthy. What feels healthy is not always healthy.
What appears to look good is not always good. I'm so thankful for a God that probes for true goodness, because frankly, we need a WHOLE LOT MORE truth in this area of what we call healthy.
What looks healthy has become a number on a scale, or fitting into those skinny jeans. Eating to be skinny has become synonymous with eating to be healthy, and last time I checked, those were not the same things.
What feels healthy has become medication, procedures, and surgery. Anything to get a quick fix and instant relief. Masking the symptoms has become the goal, instead of diagnosing the problem in order to get to the root cause.
We've settled lackluster health. We've settled for the human version of healthy, instead of a God version of abundantly healthy. Why?
Because truth is scary. Truth looks us in the face with every mistake we've made that has gotten us to this moment. Broken, sick, diseased, and in desperate need of relief. Truth is hard work. It's rising above the patterns of the world. It's rising above the "skinny" trend and living the "healthy" trend instead. It's rising above the "crash diet" and living a healthy lifestyle every.single.day. Truth forces you to stand out in the crowd. Truth touches your heart and says you can do this. Truth says this is the hardest way, but it's the right way.
Why? Because the truth sets us free, and you can't be truly healthy, unless you're truly free.
Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness
When you read this verse, it's easy to see it as a diss to us humans. We are vain and conceited and easily swayed by outward appearance. But, it's more than that.
It's a reminder of God's omnipotence.
It's a reminder that God always sees everything, always knows everything.
That us humans can only ever get a glimpse of the real truth. All we can do is look for what appears to be good. We aren't capable of probing through all the muck to find what actually is good. We must depend on God for this insight. Only he can reveal the TRUTH to us.
And with God, it always circles back to the heart and what's really going on inside. Because God doesn't settle for false pretense and fake motives. No. Instead he continues to push his people toward Him. Toward holiness. Toward freedom. Toward healing. God continues to pierce through every layer, penetrating straight to the heart of the matter, until all that's left is TRUTH. This is the way that we need to start looking at our health.
It's not about what looks healthy, and it's not about what feels health, it's about what actually IS healthy. I STRUGGLED with acne all throughout high school and college before finally going on topical medication at the age of 23. It was like the sky had opened up and the angels were singing. For the first time in 10 years, I looked in the mirror and I liked what I saw! My skin looked SO HEALTHY! My scars started to diminish, my complexion started to even out, and best of all, I could leave the house without any make up at all. I was on that medication for three years. I felt healthy and I looked healthy, but was I actually? Had I cured the problem and found true health? No, I had simply put a band aid on it and covered up my symptoms.
What looks healthy, is not always healthy. What feels healthy is not always healthy.
Ever wonder how someone can walk around and live their normal everyday life and then one day bam! they get diagnosed with stage four cancer and are given only months to live? They look perfectly healthy. They had been feeling perfectly healthy. There were no warning signs. Yet, they are filled with poison and are far from healthy.
Because what looks healthy is not always healthy. What feels healthy is not always healthy.
What appears to look good is not always good. I'm so thankful for a God that probes for true goodness, because frankly, we need a WHOLE LOT MORE truth in this area of what we call healthy.
What looks healthy has become a number on a scale, or fitting into those skinny jeans. Eating to be skinny has become synonymous with eating to be healthy, and last time I checked, those were not the same things.
What feels healthy has become medication, procedures, and surgery. Anything to get a quick fix and instant relief. Masking the symptoms has become the goal, instead of diagnosing the problem in order to get to the root cause.
We've settled lackluster health. We've settled for the human version of healthy, instead of a God version of abundantly healthy. Why?
Because truth is scary. Truth looks us in the face with every mistake we've made that has gotten us to this moment. Broken, sick, diseased, and in desperate need of relief. Truth is hard work. It's rising above the patterns of the world. It's rising above the "skinny" trend and living the "healthy" trend instead. It's rising above the "crash diet" and living a healthy lifestyle every.single.day. Truth forces you to stand out in the crowd. Truth touches your heart and says you can do this. Truth says this is the hardest way, but it's the right way.
Why? Because the truth sets us free, and you can't be truly healthy, unless you're truly free.
Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Digestive Disorders & Stomach Pain
I am beyond thrilled to finally start our 52 weeks, 52 prayers campaign!! I want to thank all of you who made the commitment to partner along with us as we pray over our health each week for the next 52 weeks. I cannot wait to see how God is going to heal and transform each of you through this prayer journey!
For the four weeks of June, each of the prayers will be focused around digestive disorders and stomach pain. If you are reading this and you have no idea what the 52 weeks, 52 prayers campaign is, go check that out first, (click here) and then this will make a lot more sense.
To find the weekly prayers, head over to my website, where the weekly prayer is posted each week on the right side bar.
The prayers will all be posted on Instagram as well. Follow me @abbyshroka in order to see the new prayer each week.
The prayers will also be posted to our Facebook page. By liking us on Facebook, you will have access to each week's prayer. Click here to like is us on Facebook.
Why digestive disorders and stomach pain? Statistics show that 48% of Americans suffer from some type of digestive disorder and/or regular stomach pain and this number continues to increase each year. This means that half of you who read this suffer from stomach pain on a consistent basis.
Why is it important for you to pray over your digestive issues? For two reasons. The first is that most digestive disorders go undiagnosed, which is extremely frustrating for both the doctor and the patient. Luckily we have a healer, named Jesus, and He knows exactly what your diagnosis is. (We will be praying for clarity and correct diagnosis this month!) The second reason is that the root cause of digestive disorders varies greatly, so it can be hard to pin point what exactly is causing your symptoms. (We will be praying for discernment to know what triggers stomach pain).
For those of you have undiagnosed digestive pain, a Hope Session may be a great help to you. This is a 90 minute session that is rooted in prayer for healing, discernment, and revelation. We also discuss your health concerns and I provide you with dietary and lifestyle recommendations. Click here for more information about our Hope Sessions.
Digestive Disorders 101
There are many different digestive disorders, but the most common ones include: ulcers, acid reflux or GERD, celiac's disease, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), and diverticulitis. Though these are all different the symptoms of any digestive disorder include:
Statistics show that, of those who suffer with digestive disorders and stomach pain, 78% don't communicate this to their health professional. So, this means that many of you are suffering alone, with no help and no hope. If this is you, please commit to praying everyday! Know that you are not alone. Know that we are joined together with you, specifically praying for your digestive health. Link up with us for the next 52 weeks.

Head over to our website, to see this week's prayer posted on the right side bar.
Follow me on Instagram, @abbyshroka or like us on Facebook by clicking here, to see this week's prayer.
Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness
For the four weeks of June, each of the prayers will be focused around digestive disorders and stomach pain. If you are reading this and you have no idea what the 52 weeks, 52 prayers campaign is, go check that out first, (click here) and then this will make a lot more sense.
To find the weekly prayers, head over to my website, where the weekly prayer is posted each week on the right side bar.
The prayers will all be posted on Instagram as well. Follow me @abbyshroka in order to see the new prayer each week.
The prayers will also be posted to our Facebook page. By liking us on Facebook, you will have access to each week's prayer. Click here to like is us on Facebook.
Why digestive disorders and stomach pain? Statistics show that 48% of Americans suffer from some type of digestive disorder and/or regular stomach pain and this number continues to increase each year. This means that half of you who read this suffer from stomach pain on a consistent basis.
Why is it important for you to pray over your digestive issues? For two reasons. The first is that most digestive disorders go undiagnosed, which is extremely frustrating for both the doctor and the patient. Luckily we have a healer, named Jesus, and He knows exactly what your diagnosis is. (We will be praying for clarity and correct diagnosis this month!) The second reason is that the root cause of digestive disorders varies greatly, so it can be hard to pin point what exactly is causing your symptoms. (We will be praying for discernment to know what triggers stomach pain).
For those of you have undiagnosed digestive pain, a Hope Session may be a great help to you. This is a 90 minute session that is rooted in prayer for healing, discernment, and revelation. We also discuss your health concerns and I provide you with dietary and lifestyle recommendations. Click here for more information about our Hope Sessions.
Digestive Disorders 101
There are many different digestive disorders, but the most common ones include: ulcers, acid reflux or GERD, celiac's disease, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), IBD (inflammatory bowel disease), and diverticulitis. Though these are all different the symptoms of any digestive disorder include:
- stomach pain
- acid reflux
- constipation
- diarrhea
- nausea
- gas
- bloating
These symptoms are painful, embarrassing, and disruptive to your life. Most people believe that there is nothing that can be done to prevent a digestive disorder, mainly because most people are undiagnosed. However, there are some basic nutritional guidelines that will help to reduce, and in many cases eliminate your symptoms.
- Eat fiber, fruits, and vegetables at every meal. These three types of foods help to regulate digestion, heal your gut, and reduce inflammation. No matter what type of digestive disorder you suffer from, these foods will help to reduce your pain level.
- Try an elimination diet to find out if your issues are coming from a certain food source. The most common foods to cause pain and irritation during digestion are dairy, gluten, and sugar. Elimination diets can be tricky. Sign up for a free health history here, so I can help you do it right, so that you will get accurate and effective results.
- Many digestive disorders are greatly aggravated by processed foods. Stick to "real" food, which is food that is grown out of the ground, not food that is manufactured in a processing plant. Real food is much easier for the body to digest. When the digestive tract is already irritated and sore, eating processed foods that are hard to digest will only aggravate your digestive tract even more, causing a lot more pain.
- Eating too quickly, skipping meals, and not chewing your food can also aggravate digestive disorders. Make sure to eat your food slowly and chew every bite thoroughly. If you suffer from regular digestive pain, try eating 4-6 smaller meals throughout the day instead of the traditional three. This can help to soothe the stomach and regulate digestion
Statistics show that, of those who suffer with digestive disorders and stomach pain, 78% don't communicate this to their health professional. So, this means that many of you are suffering alone, with no help and no hope. If this is you, please commit to praying everyday! Know that you are not alone. Know that we are joined together with you, specifically praying for your digestive health. Link up with us for the next 52 weeks.

Head over to our website, to see this week's prayer posted on the right side bar.
Follow me on Instagram, @abbyshroka or like us on Facebook by clicking here, to see this week's prayer.
Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Eight Causes for Cravings
Most people think that cravings are some cruel form of punishment that our body's use to torture us. We've been conditioned to ignore cravings and fight them, but this method is doomed for failure. Cravings won't be ignored, and fighting them is a losing battle. The key to cravings is understanding why they are present. When you can find the root cause of a craving, all of a sudden, the craving is no longer a cruel form of punishment, but a warning sign from your body that it needs you to fix a potential problem.
Learning how to decipher your cravings is key to optimal health!
Trying to decipher cravings can sound tricky, but it's actually quite simple. When you have a craving, take some time to stop and ask yourself, what does my body want and
why? The "why" is almost always answered in one of these common causes of cravings listed below.
The eight primary causes of cravings are:
The eight primary causes of cravings are:
1. Lack of "emotional nutrients." Emotional nutrients include loving relationships, a fulfilling career, a personal relationship with Jesus, a consistent and healthy exercise routine, etc.
When you're dissatisfied in a relationship or have an inappropriate exercise routine (too much, too little or the wrong type), are stressed, uninspired by a job, or lack a close relationship with Jesus, some form of emotional eating will come in to play in order to fill these voids.
When people are lacking emotional nutrients, most tend to eat as a form of punishment or reward. If you find yourself getting weird cravings that lead to binging episodes, ask yourself what emotional nutrient isn't being met.
When you're dissatisfied in a relationship or have an inappropriate exercise routine (too much, too little or the wrong type), are stressed, uninspired by a job, or lack a close relationship with Jesus, some form of emotional eating will come in to play in order to fill these voids.
When people are lacking emotional nutrients, most tend to eat as a form of punishment or reward. If you find yourself getting weird cravings that lead to binging episodes, ask yourself what emotional nutrient isn't being met.

3. Yin/yang imbalance. Yin/yang is the belief that opposites attract because they bring balance. Certain foods have
more yin qualities, while other foods have more yang qualities. Eating foods that are either extremely yin or extremely yang
causes cravings in order to maintain balance in your body. For example, eating a diet too
rich in sugar (yin) may cause a craving for meat (yang) because meat is very bitter when digested. Eating too many raw
foods (yin) may cause cravings for extremely cooked (dehydrated) foods or vise
versa. Pay attention to a connection between sweet and sour foods and bitter
and salty foods.
4. Inside coming out. Often times, cravings come from foods that we have
recently eaten, foods eaten by our ancestors, or foods from our childhood. A
clever way to satisfy these cravings is to eat a healthier version of one’s
ancestral or childhood foods.
5. Seasons. Often
the body craves foods that balance the elements of the season. In the spring,
people crave detoxifying foods like leafy greens or citrus foods. In the
summer, people crave cooling foods like fruit, raw foods, and ice cream, and in
the fall people crave grounding foods like squash, onions and nuts. During
winter, many crave hot and heat-producing foods like meat, soup, and oil.
Cravings can also be associated around the holidays, with foods like turkey,
eggnog, or seasonal desserts.
6. Lack of nutrients. If the body has inadequate nutrients, it will
produce odd cravings. For example, inadequate mineral levels produce salt
cravings, and overall inadequate nutrition produces cravings for
non-nutritional forms of energy, like caffeine.
7. Hormones.
When women experience menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, fluctuating
testosterone and estrogen levels may cause unique cravings.
8. De-evolution. When things are going extremely well, sometimes a self-sabotage syndrome happens. We crave foods that throw us off, thus creating more cravings to balance ourselves. This often happens from low blood-sugar and may result in strong mood swings.
8. De-evolution. When things are going extremely well, sometimes a self-sabotage syndrome happens. We crave foods that throw us off, thus creating more cravings to balance ourselves. This often happens from low blood-sugar and may result in strong mood swings.
The body is amazing. It knows when to go to sleep, wake up, go to the bathroom, maintain 98.6 degrees and tighten the eyes when the light gets bright. It knows the miracle of pregnancy and childbirth. Your heart never misses a beat. Your lungs are always breathing. The body is a super-computer and it never makes mistakes, and this includes odd cravings. Every craving you experience has a purpose. Knowing possible reasons for cravings can open the door to healing underlying problems that have been lingering for years.
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