Thursday, November 14, 2013

November's Newsletter: Thriving Through the Holidays

It's hard to believe that the holidays are almost upon us. Just this weekend I saw a Black Friday commercial. It won't be long before the busyness of the season sets in, and with it, stress, exhaustion, and weight gain. What if, this year you decided to invest in yourself. To enjoy Christmas. to stay on top of your weight and your sleep. What would that be like?

Last year, I kept hearing people say that they were simply trying to survive the holiday season. It was all they could do just to be present. I thought, how sad is that? From that struggle, an idea was born.


Who: You! Or anyone else you know that tends to be stressed out, high on sugar, and sleep deprived throughout the entirety of the holiday season.

What: A 30 day, online, nutritional program designed to guide you through the holiday season in a healthier, more stress free way. I will give you tools for managing your weight and your time, without asking you to sacrifice your favorite holiday goodies, or your best friend's Christmas party.

When: The program starts Monday, December 2nd, and runs through December 31st. Sign up is open now, for a limited time only. Click here to sign up.

Where: Online, in the comfort of your own home. The holiday season is BUSY. I want to make this as time efficient as possible for your. 

How: Each Monday in December, you will receive handouts, downloads, and a video presentation from me. This allows you to go at your own pace, on your own time. You will also receive a one on one consultation with me to discuss the materials you receive, review questions you may have, and discuss your goals for making this holiday season your best one in years.

Why: The holiday season can be hard. There are candy and cookies everywhere you turn, there is the stress of extra bills, tense family gatherings, shopping, entertaining, and traveling. You're left feeling frustrated and exhausted. But, it doesn't have to be this way!

You don't have to settle for merely surviving the holidays. Allow yourself to THRIVE instead!

Sign up now! Click here to get started. Don't wait until it's too late. Sign up will close by the end of this month. Give yourself the gift of truly enjoying this Christmas season. Allow yourself to THRIVE this year.

Not sure if this program is right for you? Connect with me and I'll answer any questions you have.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

Follow me:
twitter: @Abby_Shroka
instagram: abbyshroka

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