Monday, November 4, 2013

Nitty Gritty Love

Think back to a time when you were passionately in love. Everything was exciting. Colors were vivid. A shared touch left you feeling exhilarated. You were floating on air and all of your problems seemed to disappear. You were high on life. No matter what your nutrition was like, you were healthy, happy, and full of hope.

Relationships affect our health. That's no secret. The stress of a bad relationship can kill, while the euphoria of falling in love can heal. That's why marriage can play such a significant role in our health.

Married people, on average, live longer than single people.

A divorce can be devastating on your mental, physical, and emotional health.

Investing in your marriage is as important to your health as investing in your diet. There are so many ways that you can invest in your marriage. A great resource I have found for doing just that is a blog. Nitty Gritty Love is a blog that is written by a mother - daughter duo. The mother has been married for over 20 years, and the daughter has been married just a few years. Being "newer" married myself (it's been three years already?!), I enjoy the perspective that the daughter brings and I can really relate to her posts. However, it's also nice to get the tried and true advice that comes from decades of marriage.

Their blog posts are inspiring, helpful, and applicable. They never try to be someone they aren't, and usually blog off of their latest mistakes. I also like reading things that are unique. By this point in my marriage I've heard people tell me to make time for my husband, and to put his needs before my own about a million times. I don't need another blog to tell me that. And this blog doesn't.

Nitty Gritty Love speaks truth straight to me every single time. It gets deep from the first sentence and it actually talks about the REAL issues that we all struggle with, like finances, in laws, compromising, raising children, and if/when to have kids.

This blog has been such a blessing to me in the past 18 months. I strongly encourage you to visit it, read through it, and subscribe to it. I hope that it brings healing to your marriage, and subsequently, to your physical health as well.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

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