More than 7 million accidental poisonings occur each year from chemicals found in kitchen cleaners, with more than 75% involving children under the age of 6!
- The Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons

Housewives have a 55% high risk of getting cancer than do women working outside the home due to the amount of exposure to the products they use on a daily basis.
A child is accidentally poisoned every 30 seconds at home, according the U.S. Poison Control Centers.
The average American uses about 25 gallons of toxic, hazardous chemical product per year, in their home.
The toxic chemicals in household cleaners are three times more likely to cause cancer than air pollution.
Only 1% of toxins are required to be listed on labels, because companies classify their formulas as "trade secrets."
If you haven't considered switching over to natural cleaners before, I hope you will consider it now, after reading the above statistics. These statistics are real, they are scary, and they will only continue to rise with each passing year as we become more dependent on these convenient, store bought cleaners. You don't have to rush over to your cabinets and start throwing out every cleaner in sight. Start easy and small, and slowly transition your house over to all natural cleaners. That way, you won't get overwhelmed and give up. Start with the essential oil known as Lemon Oil.
Lemon Oil is one of my favorite oils because it smells Ah-May-Zing!! Seriously I can't get enough of it. I love cleaning my kitchen with my homemade natural cleaner and having the entire house fill with the odor of Lemon Oil. Lemon Oil is a natural antiseptic, antifungal, antioxidant, antiviral, astringent. These properties make it the perfect natural cleaner for your house.
This Lemon Oil is extracted directly from real lemons, without the use of chemicals and toxins. This Lemon Oil is also known for it's medicinal properties that date all the way back to Christopher Columbus. Back in those days, Lemon Oil was used to fight food poisoning, malaria, typhoid epidemics, scurvy, and postpartum depression. Today, the French medical community still uses Lemon Oil to treat various infections. Needless to say, this Oil is safe to use in your home.

Making the natural cleaning spray is easy. Fill a spray bottle 3/4 of the way with water, then add drops of Lemon Oil. Start with ten drops and then test the spray by smelling it. As long as you can smell the refreshing odor of the lemon, it will work to clean your counter tops just fine. For a stronger smell, you can always add more drops of Lemon Oil.
I really want to encourage you to start using Lemon Oil as a way to clean your house. Especially if you have small children and pets, don't let them become one of the statistics above!
If you are interested in purchasing Lemon Oil for yourself, you can order it here:
Click on "shop for products" in the top right hand corner.
After entering the country of shipping, click on "single oils" to find Lemon Oil.
For those of you who are interested in all natural cleaning supplies, next month, I will be featuring another oil that I use for cleaning around my house. Subscribe to this blog to make sure you don't miss it!
Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness
If you missed last month's essential oil, click here, to read all about Oregano Oil and how it works to boost your immune system.