Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wait On Your Health With Passion

"Wait passionately for God; don't leave the path." Psalm 37:34 (msg)

Have you ever noticed that people don't last long on a new diet or exercise routine? Maybe you're one of those people. Take heart because you aren't alone! It is hard to find the time and make the necessary sacrifices to eat right and exercise. Especially when you aren't getting the results you want.

When you first start exercising and changing your diet over to a more healthy lifestyle, you're going to be doing a lot of waiting. Weight doesn't just melt off. It took months, and maybe even years, to put that weight on, so why should it take only days or weeks to take it off? It doesn't work that way! The same goes for reversing disease. Years of bad choices gave you diabetes and high cholesterol. Reversing that damage won't come easy.

The key is to wait with passion! In Psalm 37:34 it says to "Wait passionately for God, don't leave the path." What does it mean to wait passionately? I know what it means to wait negatively; to complain and worry while I wait. To lose hope and fall into despair. Feeling like there is no hope, this is when most people give up and quit their diet and stop exercising. Waiting is no joke! It can be hard. It can be frustrating. But know this: when you play by God's rules, and follow his will for your life, and for your health, you're going to be waiting.

Not only will you be waiting on God some point, but there is always a purpose in the waiting. Always. That is why God calls us to wait PASSIONATELY. He doesn't want us to just sit down, twiddle our thumbs, and complain while we wait for Him to work. He wants us to be learning and growing while we wait. He uses waiting to test our faith. He uses waiting to prepare us for what is ahead. He wants us to get all we can out of the waiting time.

How do you wait passionately when the weight just won't come off, when you aren't seeing any results? In the second half of our verse, God gives us the answer: "don't leave the path." In other words,  don't give up! God desires for us to remain in him through out the entire process. Involve him in your new diet and exercise routine. Ask Him to help you succeed every single day.

What are you waiting on right now? We are all waiting on God for something. 

Are you learning all you can about healthy eating while you wait?
Are you passionately remaining in God through this time of waiting?
Are you allowing God to prepare you, teach you, and train you, or have you sat back and given up? Have you slowly started to leave the path of a regular exercise routine?

What are you waiting on right now? 

Are you waiting with passion? Are you waiting in the middle of the path?

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