But even the smallest yes's have the ability to change things. Saying yes to joining the gym could have a life altering affect on your health. It could add years to your life. Saying yes to joining a Bible Study on Tuesday night could end up being the place where you meet your future business partner. Every yes has a major impact on your life.
In the past three years I've said yes to some pretty crazy things. I went back to school to become a certified holistic health coach, I quit my corporate job to health coach full time, I got certified to teach Holy Yoga, and I moved across the country. What I've come to realize, is that it's easier for me to say yes to the big things. It's the small things that I say no to because I think they don't matter.
But guess what? Our God is a God of detail. Everything matters to Him. The littlest things matter just as much as the life altering things. I can say yes to quitting my secure job, but when there's a car broken down on the side of the road I keep driving despite that tug I feel on my heart that's telling me to stop. What I've been learning lately is that every yes matters to God. No matter how big or small. Every single yes matters.
So what about you? Do you struggle to say yes to God? Maybe you're like me where you're just "too busy" to say yes to the small things. Or maybe, you're really good at saying yes to those seemingly insignificant things, but when it comes to the big things, there's no way you're going to relinquish that control! Or maybe you're really good at saying yes when it has to do with your career, but when it comes to your finances, no way.
Here's the thing about saying yes. It's IMPORTANT! When God asked things of people in the Bible, it was always for a REASON. It was always for a good reason. In Acts chapter 8, the apostle Philip was just hanging out doing his own thing when the Spirit tells him to go over to a chariot. What does Philip do? He drops everything he's doing and he RUNS over to the chariot and immediately starts witnessing to the man inside. He doesn't wait until he's finished what he's doing before going over to the man, he doesn't question God, or second guess God's direction. He doesn't complain that he's too busy, he doesn't go over to the chariot begrudgingly. Instead, he drops everything he's doing and runs toward God's bidding. Philip understood the importance of saying yes to God.
The Bible tells us that all things work together for GOOD for those who love The Lord. So the bottom line is: he's not going to ask something of us that is going to harm us. Saying yes to God is either going to benefit you, or it's going to benefit the people around you. In Philip's case, saying yes to God was for the benefit of the man in the chariot. I don't know about you, but I don't want to be the reason that someone misses out on Heaven because I refused to say yes to God!

News flash: There is enough time and you can give up control of your life because God does know better. So choose yes this year friends. Join me in saying yes to God, in the big things and in the little things.
Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness