Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February's Oil of the Month is... Peppermint Oil

For centuries, Peppermint Extract has been used to soothe digestive difficulties, relieve colic, gas, headaches, heartburn, and indigestion. It is also a strong anti-inflammatory.

Peppermint Oil is my hubby's favorite oil and we use it a lot in the Shroka household. We use it most often as a natural anti-inflammatory. We both try to stay away from over the counter anti-inflammatory medication. As we have experimented with natural forms of anti-inflammatories, we have struggled to find something that actually works. There are quite a few different Essential Oils that are said to work as effective anti-inflammatories, however we have found that Peppermint works the best for both of us.

Peppermint has a strong cooling sensation when it is applied. (Think Icy Hot. Peppermint Oil has the same effect). This really helps to immediately soothe pain. I use it on my back and hips when my sciatica is acting up. I apply a few drops of Peppermint Oil right along my spine where I have back pain, and on my hip. Once the pain has eased, I then go back and apply other oils that are specific for sciatica.

I also use Peppermint Oil for headaches. I get headaches "behind my eyes" and along my temples. I apply one drop of Peppermint Oil to my temples and then I massage the oil in to relieve some of the pressure. I have to be careful applying Peppermint Oil to my face, because it can have a burning sensation. If you have sensitive skin, be careful to apply this oil in very small amounts. 

Peppermint Oil can also be taken orally. It's a great addition to tea, and helps to relieve inflammation from the inside out, and soothe digestion. This oil is strong, so be careful to apply only 1 drop if you try taking it this way.

If you are interested in purchasing Peppermint Oil for yourself, you can order it here:
- Click on "shop for products" in the top right hand corner.
- After entering the country of shipping, click on "single oils" to find Peppermint Oil.
- Try using it the next time you need some anti-inflammatory medication

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

If you missed last month's essential oil, click here, to read all about Wintergreen Oil and it's affects on arthritis pain.

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