Yep, there's a bun in the oven!
Greg and I had been praying a lot through 2014 about when to start our family, so when God gave us the go ahead…. well the picture says it all ;)
What better way to tell a guy he's going to be a dad than with his favorite food?
At our first ultrasound, we found out that our due date is May 29th 2015.
At our second ultrasound, we found out that we are having a baby BOY!!
The last couple of months have been crazy! In the beginning it was ROUGH!! I had horrible morning sickness (read all day and all night sickness) from week 5 - week 15. For those 10 weeks the only thing I could get down was peanut butter toast, smoothies, and meal replacement shakes. Before people go crazy about the meal replacement shakes, it was seriously the only thing I could get down. For some reason, I could take liquids ok, but nothing else. So I researched the best all natural brand of meal replacement shakes and would have two a day in order to keep my calories up enough. I was also waking up in the middle of the night during those weeks and I would have to eat or I would get very sick. I had someone tell me that until you experience morning sickness, you really can't understand how bad it is, and I would definitely agree. There was even one point (or maybe a couple of times) that I told Greg I was never having another baby because I couldn't handle the morning sickness. There may have been tears involved with it too… but now that I'm feeling better, I'm back on board with having more kids in the future.
We had also decided not to tell anyone other than our families until I was out of the first trimester, so I had to pretend to feel ok when I was out in public. So, for anyone that I cancelled on at the last minute over the fall, I'm sorry. You now know why. It was also a good reminder for me to be nice to people because you never know what they're going through!
Being sick also served me a piece of humble pie. When I got pregnant I was REALLY determined to eat healthy throughout this pregnancy. However, once I got sick, I wasn't able to eat any veggies or protein. My body was rejecting those foods every single time I tried to eat them. So, for the first 15 weeks of my pregnancy, I survived on carbs, many of them processed. Through that experience I kept reminding myself that all you can do is your best. This is something I preach to my clients, so it was a good reminder for me too. It's never an excuse to skip out on healthy foods, but it is a reminder that we don't live in a perfect world with healthy, tasty, whole foods waiting for us at each meal. The bottom line is, I have a healthy baby growing inside of me, and that is what's important. And, now that I'm feeling better I've been able to add more veggies and protein into my diet.
Other than morning sickness, the rest of my pregnancy so far has been uneventful, in a good way. I'm feeling so good now and we are so excited to meet our boy! I love feeling him move around and kick! I look forward to it everyday and it is the best part of my day! Every time I go for an appointment they tell me that he is extremely active, so we are pretty sure we have a mini Greg on our hands.
For now, we are doing tons of research in order to make all of the (overwhelming) decisions that come with having a baby.
Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness
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