Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Fall Bucketlist

Everyone needs a fall bucket list! I think alot of people agree with me that fall is the best time of the year, and there is so much to do! If I don't make a fall bucket list for myself, I end up missing out on all of these great things that I planned to do, but didn't. So, here is my list:

1. Go to a pumpkin patch. I grew up going to pumpkin patches every fall. There is no better way to get healthy, organic, farm grown, seasonal produce!! Besides, pumpkin patches are a great way to bring out the kid in you and enjoy the great weather. It's also a great weekend date :)

2. Make homemade applesauce with apples from the pumpkin patch! My mother in law makes homemade applesauce every year and it is sooo yummy! I'm going to try the recipe for the first time this year.

3. Carve pumpkins and remember to take pictures BEFORE they rot!! Last year, we carved awesome pumpkins together, but forgot to take pictures. When I finally remember, one of them was rotting :(

4. Go to starbucks and treat myself to a pumpkin spice latte. (I see a pumpkin theme starting here). I know coffee isn't the best for anyone, but we all have to indulge every once in awhile and this is such a wonderful way to treat myself

5. Go to the farmers market regularly. Every time I go to the farmers market, I always have such a wonderful time, and the whole way home I ask myself why I don't go more often. So, now it's on the bucket list

6. Go to a bonfire at the beach. Nothing says fall like bonfires, and this is a great way to take advantage of living in SoCal

7. Do a fall cleanse. A fall cleanse helps to rid your body of all the water, excess fat, and loose weight that you have been carrying all summer. It helps to prepare your body for the winter months. Cleanses feel amazing once you're done too! A basic cleanse is just an overload of fruits, veggies, and whole grains.

What is on your fall bucket list?

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