Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I Survived the Wine Drought

Hi All! I survived my 30 day wine drought! The first week was awful. (you can read more about that in that blog here) I didn't know how I was possibly going to make it three more weeks after that first week. I have to admit though, it got so much easier. By the end of the month, I wasn't craving wine anymore and I didn't even miss it. (gasp!)

There was only one time in the second two weeks that I actually got a strong craving for wine. I made spaghetti with homemade pasta sauce, and the smell of the sauce was making me crave a glass of my favorite merlot. That italian food will get me every time!

I also noticed that I didn't get one headache after the first week. Before I started this wine challenge I was getting 3-4 headaches a week at night, after drinking wine. I still got headaches in the first week that I quit drinking wine. I now realize this was my body detoxing itself. I always tell my clients to listen to your body. This is clearly my body telling me that it doesn't like it when I drink wine every night with dinner. My body can't function as efficiently when I drink wine that often.

When October 1st hit, and I was able to drink wine again, I didn't even have a desire to drink it. I still did have a drink of course, but the desire wasn't there like I thought it would be. Since then, it has been 10 days, and I've only had wine twice. Not because I'm trying to cut back, but because I just don't have the craving for it anymore. I feel really good now that I'm not getting headaches and clearly my body is happy. If my body really NEEDED wine, it would be craving the wine for me.

I really want to encourage you all to take a break from drinking wine and see how you feel. It doesn't have to be 30 days like I did, but try more than seven. Ten days is a great place to start. That is enough to get through your body's detox period and really start to feel the positive changes. I would love to hear from you about any positive changes you feel after taking a break from wine!

Don't forget to check out my website for more info www.abbyshroka.com

Wishing you health, hope, & happiness

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