Saturday, March 23, 2013

Detox Do's and Don'ts

Basic Do's and Don'ts of Detoxing

Because there is information EVERYWHERE about detoxing right now, I thought it would be appropriate to write a blog about it too. Actually, the reason behind this blog is because a lot of the information out there about detoxing is contradicting, not accurate, and confusing. If a first timer tries a detox without knowing what they're doing, the results can be BAD. So here are the basics:  

DO: Eat pure, natural, whole, and organic foods
DON'T: Eat foods that are processed, pre-packaged, have ingredients that you can't pronounce, or don't grow out of the ground. 

WHY: The purpose of a detox is to clean out your body, so that all of your systems work better. One of the best ways to do this, is by avoiding foods that put stress on the liver and kidneys. The liver and kidney are the two organs that sift through all the processed junk that we feed ourselves. They are in charge of getting rid of the toxins and chemicals that are in foods, and the "fake" stuff that our body doesn't want or need. When you are constantly eating foods full of toxins, the liver and kidneys don't ever get a chance to "clean up." When you detox, you give the kidneys and liver a break, allowing them to refresh and rejuvenate. This also allows them to clean out the toxins that are lingering throughout your body. When a detox is done properly, your liver and kidney will function much better once the detox is done. This will improve your overall digestion by leaps and bounds. If you're going to commit to doing a detox, make sure you avoid foods that put stress on the liver and kidneys.

DO: Eat foods with a high concentration of water (fruits and veggies)
DON'T: Drink store bought juice during a detox

WHY: Anywhere from 20-50% of a person's water intake comes from food, not from drinking water. Obviously this number varies due to many different factors, but the main point is that we get a significant amount of our water from food. Because of this, dehydration is one of the biggest risk factors associated with detoxing. A great way to combat this, is by drinking smoothies and juices. When you blend fruits and veggies into a smoothie, it ensures that no water is lost. Also, it is advised to add additional amounts of water to smoothies. What you don't want to do is buy juice at the store and drink that during your detox. Store bought juice is processed to hell and back, and is full of sugars. Despite what commercials say, these sugars are not all natural sugars. Remember, if you're going to detox, avoid those processed foods that put stress on the organs. 

DO: Stay away from sugar
DON'T: Supplement sugar with artificial sweeteners

WHY: One of the most taxing things on the body is the presence of sugar. The body has to work extremely hard to process sugar, which zaps you of energy. Doing a healthy detox should leave you feeling very energized. This is mainly due to the fact that a detox regulates your blood sugar levels, which in turn, regulates all of your hormones. When your blood sugar, and your hormones are in balance, you will have lasting energy all throughout the day. What you don't want to do is use artificial sweeteners in place of regular sugar during a detox. Artificial sweeteners are artificial (imagine that). Artificial things put a lot of stress on the liver and kidneys (as I explained previously). If you want your detox to leave you feeling energized, skip the sugar and artificial sweeteners both. 

DO: Plan ahead for your detox
DON'T: Detox for more than 7 days. 

WHY: A detox is meant to clean out your body. It is not a long term diet. It is not about calorie counting or a number on the scale. If you're looking for a weight loss plan, keep looking because a detox isn't it. Never detox for more than 7 days because it can become dangerous. When you drastically  change the types of foods you're eating, you risk becoming deficient in certain vitamins and minerals that aren't present in the foods you are eating. You can also consume to much of a certain vitamin or mineral, which causes a toxicity. Because of this, never go beyond seven days worth of detoxing. 

Since you're only doing the detox for a very short period of time, make sure you plan ahead, so that you  can set yourself up for success. Make sure you have time to go to the grocery, make the smoothies, and get rid of all the temptations around your house. Since it's only seven days (or maybe less) don't let distractions of the world get in your way. A successful detox is one that is completed.

If you have any other questions regarding detoxing, please ask! Email me at or follow me on twitter @Abby_Shroka

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness


  1. *write (top paragraph)

  2. Great article! I found a lot of useful information in an easy to ready format. Everyone IS talking about cleansing right now!!
