Friday, March 15, 2013

Detox Myths Debunked

It's spring time, and that means detox time for many of you. For how popular detox diets have become, there are still so many popular beliefs about detoxing that just aren't true.

Myth #1 "You can only detox in the spring"
You can detox your body any time you want to, or need to. The reason people started detoxing in the spring is because of the weather change, and how that correlates to the human body. Everyone knows that you put on extra weight in the winter. Besides the holiday weight that you gain in December, your body also holds on to more water in the cold winter months, and your fat cells store more substance in them as well. As the weather starts to warm up, your body recognizes that it doesn't need that extra water, and the fat cells don't need that extra substance, so your body will, very slowly, start to shed these things. By detoxing your body, you speed up this process. When a detox is done right, it aids the body in releasing water and extra substance from your fat cells.

Myth #2 "Detoxing is a form of fasting"
Fasting is the process of refraining from all food, and only drinking limited amounts of water. When you are detoxing, you don't limit your calorie intake. You should still be eating your three meals a day. You should feel full after you eat. It is not a form of cutting back, or limiting the amount of food you eat.

Myth #3 "What if my body doesn't respond to the detox?"
The human body naturally detoxifies itself almost everyday. When you start the detoxing process, your body will recognize what you are doing. While there is no "one size fits all" when it comes to the human body you can work to figure out what the most ideal detox is for you. Through experimenting, you will find a detox program that is successful for you. One that leaves you feeling rejuvenated and refreshed.

If you decide you want to detox this spring, make sure you don't make the mistake of believing one of these myths. If you want more information on detoxing, visit my website, email me here, or follow me on twitter @Abby_Shroka.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

1 comment:

  1. These are great tips! I might have to do a detox this spring. :) Thanks!
