Thursday, May 2, 2013

Introducing... The Jesus Way

Where do I start? Well, when I started Health, Hope, & Happiness, I wanted to be a Health Coach so that I could share the gift of holistic nutrition with other people. Holistic nutrition has so radically transformed my life, and I knew that so many people could benefit from it. I wanted to bring health and healing to people's body and mind. My knowledge of food, health, weight loss, and wellness was deep, but it never felt like enough. There was something missing.

In the summer of 2012, I stumbled into Holy Yoga. I say stumbled because it truly was an accident, coincidence, and a miracle that I signed up to become a Holy Yoga instructor. The good news is, that nothing is an accident or a coincidence with God, and He had a HUGE reason for me being there. Throughout the training to become an instructor, I was blown away at the fact that Jesus was fully integrated into every single aspect of Holy Yoga. I began to ask myself why I couldn't do the same. Why couldn't I fully integrate Jesus into health coaching? Why couldn't I bring health and healing to not just the body and mind of my client, but also to the spirit? After all, Jesus is the ultimate healer. 

It might surprise some of you that the Bible is FULL of information about health, nutrition, weight loss, body image, and even dieting. Why are we not using it? Instead, our country is obsessed with dieting, yet we continue to get sicker every day. It's time to go back to the biblical principles of health. It's time to seek the ultimate healer, Jesus. It's time for Health, Hope, & Happiness - The Jesus Way.

If you're curious to know more about how I am integrating Jesus into every aspect of Health, Hope, & Happiness, I invite you to read through my website. All of the details are there.

In the coming weeks, I will be blogging about some of the basic principles of biblical health, and about how you can apply it to your own health. You can sign up to receive these blogs straight to your email, by entering your email address at the top right hand side of this page.

You can also follow me on twitter @Abby_Shroka

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

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