Sunday, June 30, 2013

Going Vegetarian - My Story

In the spring I went through a few months where I was feeling really lousy. I was absolutely exhausted! All. The. Time. I couldn't get out of bed in the morning. I was sluggish all day, I didn't have the will to care about things that normally excited me. I had no energy whatsoever. After a month or so of this constant exhaustion, I started feeling really depressed and frustrated. In my despair, I realized that there was something really wrong with me. It wasn't just some type of cold, this was something serious. It was getting worse with each passing week, and it had lasted for months! Maybe it was thyroid? I knew I wasn't pregnant, but maybe my hormones were all messed up? Maybe a light case of mono?

I was baffled. My diet had never been better. I had slowly transitioned to a vegetarian lifestyle over the past couple of months. I had gradually upping my intake of whole carbohydrates, vegetables, and non-meat forms of protein, while I gradually decreased meat.

If there is one thing that I know to be true about the human body, it's that it is smarter than we think. It is smarter than our mind, because it knows when something is wrong with us before our mind knows something is wrong. It is also smart enough to communicate with us. And my body was absolutely communicating with me, I just could not figure out how to fix the problem.

Usually the first thing I do when I'm not feeling well, is to improve my diet. No matter how well I'm eating, there is always room for improvement. Nine times out of ten, this solves my problem. This time though, my diet was better than ever. I thought my body just needed to "catch up" with my new vegetarian lifestyle so I kept pressing on.

After three months of continued exhaustion, that had only gotten worse with each passing month, I finally had a breakthrough. I was meeting with a client, and we were discussing the Metabolic Type Diet. This diet is based off of the theory that their are three types of human bodies, when it comes to metabolism and digestion. There is the body that thrives off of protein, the body that thrives off of carbohydrates, and the body that needs equal portions of both. To find out which type you are, you take a lengthy quiz. As I was discussing this with my client, I began to wonder if maybe I was a person that thrived off of high levels of protein consumption.

I went straight home and took the quiz for myself. Turns out, not only does my body thrive off of high levels of protein, but I am so dependent on protein that I need both meat, and non-meat forms of protein at two out of three meals every single day in order for my body to run efficiently. It was like a light bulb had come on. All of a sudden it all made sense. As I had been decreasing the animal forms of protein from my diet, my energy levels had slowly decreased with it. Even though I had been making sure to eat non animal forms of protein with each meal, it wasn't enough for my body. My muscles had been weak, sore, and shaky for months, and my hair hadn't been growing (I'm growing my hair out, so it was really starting to annoy me that it was NOT growing at all for months on end. If you've ever grown your hair out, you know what I'm talking about). My body had been trying to communicate with me. It had been trying to tell me that it wasn't getting the right nutrients, it wasn't getting the foods it needed to grow and repair cells, it wasn't getting what it needed for me to have enough energy to make it through the day. Instead, I had been upping my intake of whole grain health carbs, which, according to my Metabolic Test results, do nothing for me. My results showed that my body is abnormally inefficient at digesting carbs. They basically go in one end, and out the other.

Immediately I switched my diet. I added crushed nuts to my oatmeal in the mornings. I started eating more eggs for breakfast. I started having meat for dinner every single night. I went crazy over protein. With DAYS I felt a difference! It took about two weeks of eating animal protein everyday before I really felt "back to normal."

I've always been a big believer that one size doesn't fit all when it comes to a diet. Ultimately it is more useful to listen to your body, versus a health professional (including myself!) because your body knows what it needs in order to be healthy. After this vegetarian experience of mine, I now believe this even more strongly! Do I think going vegetarian is bad? Of course not! Some people really thrive off of a plant based diet. Do I think going vegetarian is right for everyone? Of course not! Other people need animal forms of protein to thrive.

No matter what the current diet craze is, listen to your body first. It will tell you what it needs in order to thrive.

If you're interested in taking the Metabolic Type Quiz for yourself, click here to sign up!

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

Monday, June 24, 2013

June's "Oil of the Month" is ... Oregano

I use Oregano Oil more than any other oil that I own.

The best thing about this oil is that it's used to fight off colds, and it does a better job than any other over the counter product I've ever tried. I have a pretty weak immune system, so once I feel a cold coming on, it's usually too late to stop it. If a cold is going around, I'm going to get it. However, since I've used Oregano Oil, I haven't had one cold! Seriously, not one.

Oregano Oil is a natural immune stimulant, which means it strengthens your immune system so that it will fight off colds more effectively. I apply this oil at night, before I go to bed. You know those nights when your throat is feeling a little scratchy and you have a headache, or a lump in your throat; all the tell tale signs of waking up sick in the morning? Yeah, those are the nights that I make sure to apply it. I also apply it when I know I'm more susceptible to getting sick. For instance, if I'm up really late, and I'm not going to get very much sleep, or if I've been around someone with the flu all day, I'll apply some Oregano Oil before bed, just to be safe.

To apply it, I place one drop on the heel of my foot. Some information says that this oil should be diluted, because it can cause skin irritation (drying out of the skin), but I have never had a problem. I know many people that apply the oil directly to the skin. If you decide not to dilute the oil, just remember that a little bit goes a long way. One drop is plenty. If you do want to dilute it, use a 1:3 ratio, or 1 drop of Oregano Oil, or every 3 drops of carrier oil. I would suggest diluting this oil if you plan on using it on your children, otherwise, just apply it directly.

Oregano Oil is also really well priced. It is fairly cheap, and because it is used so sparingly, it will last forever. If you are interested in trying Oregano Oil for yourself, you can order it here:  Click on "shop for products" in the top right hand corner. After entering the country of shipping, click on "single oils" to find Oregano Oil.

For those of you who are interested in all natural cleaning supplies, next month, I will be featuring an oil that I use for cleaning in my kitchen. Subscribe to this blog to make sure you don't miss it!

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

If you missed last month's essential oil, click here, to read all about Thyme.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Jesus Won't Let You Go

Often times, God speaks to me through songs. Verses of a random song, that I haven't heard in years, will pop into my head while I am in the process of meditating with God. They're usually always lyrics from christian songs, but today I kept getting lines from a country song. I thought it was weird, so I was trying to block it out of my mind, so that I could hear that "still small voice" of God. But the lyrics just would not go away. In fact, God started speaking them over me, breaking the lyrics up into one or two words. Clearly, God was trying to drive a point home. Below is a snapshot of the lyrics He spoke over me today:


When you've done all you can do
And you can't cope
I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight
And I won't let go


It hurts my heart
To see you cry
I know it's dark
This part of life

When it rains
I will stand by you

Remember. Remember that you are mine. I won't let you go. Satan can't have you.

We all go through dark parts of life. I have been in a dark time for awhile now, and sometimes I find it hard to truly believe that God is still here with me. I know in my head that God is here, but sometimes it is really hard to truly believe it with all of my heart. When I'm sitting alone, crying out in the dark and watching Satan have his way, sometimes I wonder where God is. Well, He clearly gave me an answer.

God has always been there, He is still here, and He's going to be there through it all. Jesus won't let me go. Satan CANNOT have me. I am God's.

Remember. Remember that you are mine. I won't let you go. Satan can't have you.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

p.s. if you want to listen to the song from above, it's called "I Won't Let You Go," by Rascal Flatts