Friday, June 7, 2013

Jesus Won't Let You Go

Often times, God speaks to me through songs. Verses of a random song, that I haven't heard in years, will pop into my head while I am in the process of meditating with God. They're usually always lyrics from christian songs, but today I kept getting lines from a country song. I thought it was weird, so I was trying to block it out of my mind, so that I could hear that "still small voice" of God. But the lyrics just would not go away. In fact, God started speaking them over me, breaking the lyrics up into one or two words. Clearly, God was trying to drive a point home. Below is a snapshot of the lyrics He spoke over me today:


When you've done all you can do
And you can't cope
I will dry your eyes
I will fight your fight
I will hold you tight
And I won't let go


It hurts my heart
To see you cry
I know it's dark
This part of life

When it rains
I will stand by you

Remember. Remember that you are mine. I won't let you go. Satan can't have you.

We all go through dark parts of life. I have been in a dark time for awhile now, and sometimes I find it hard to truly believe that God is still here with me. I know in my head that God is here, but sometimes it is really hard to truly believe it with all of my heart. When I'm sitting alone, crying out in the dark and watching Satan have his way, sometimes I wonder where God is. Well, He clearly gave me an answer.

God has always been there, He is still here, and He's going to be there through it all. Jesus won't let me go. Satan CANNOT have me. I am God's.

Remember. Remember that you are mine. I won't let you go. Satan can't have you.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

p.s. if you want to listen to the song from above, it's called "I Won't Let You Go," by Rascal Flatts

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