Thursday, October 3, 2013

Doing the Splits - My Mount Everest

We all have "Mount Everests" in our lives. The things that we think are impossible. The things we think we absolutely cannot do. The things that we think would literally kill us if we attempted them. One of my Mt. Everest moments was when I started my business. Another was when I made the decision to quit drinking alcohol. Both of these were things I thought were impossible. There was a point that I actually thought quitting drinking might kill me. Not peacefully in my sleep, but a long, slow, and painful death. Tackling Mount Everest isn't for the faint of heart. It takes guts, determination, and perseverance. That is why people train for months, even years, with a professional, before taking on the climb.

In the same way, I believe that it's necessary to train ourselves in our personal life, so that when we are faced with a Mount Everest, we are fully equipped for the journey. This is why I've decided to attempt to master the splits. Since starting yoga, I have found incredible physical healing, and I have been able to do poses that I thought I'd never do in this life. I used to have an entire laundry list of "heaven poses." Now that list has shrunk to just a few, and splits is one of them.

To some of you, this may sound like a waste of time. Whether or not I can do the splits has absolutely no baring on my life. And I completely agree with that. However, it's the journey that will have a significant impact on my life. The mental up's and down's, the confidence that comes with accomplishing something that I never thought I would do, and hopefully I will inspire some people along the way. I will be posting weekly pictures of my progress on Instragram (abbyshroka) and Twitter (@Abby_Shroka). Feel free to follow along with me. (This will also serve to keep me accountable to this goal.) I will also continue to give updates here on my blog.

Why is this so important to me? Without conquering these "Mount Everests" in seemingly insignificant areas of my life, like yoga and the splits, I never would have had the courage to quit drinking. Instead I would have bought into all the lies that Satan was trying to tell me back then. I would have believed that my Mount Everest was unclimbable. But I didn't, and it wasn't. It will be a year this month since I quit drinking, and I am still very much alive. I'm healthier, happier, stronger, more bold, and incredibly thankful that I had the courage to follow through with that decision I made a year ago.

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