Instead of these standard side effects, how would you feel about the side effects that you can get from using food as your medicine: Increased energy levels, awareness, painless and easy digestion, sound sleep, less sugar cravings, lower cholesterol, feeling rested upon waking up, less joint pain, etc.
Below is a list of common ailments, and the foods that can be used as natural forms of medication.
Asthma: Eat onions. They help to ease constriction of the bronchial tubes.
Arthritis: Eat fish and tart cherries. Both have natural anti-inflammatory properties.
Blood Sugar Imbalance: Eat broccoli and peanuts. This helps to regulate insulin and blood sugar.
Bone Issues: Eat pineapples. The manganese in pineapples helps to prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures.
Coughing: Eat red peppers. The first cough syrup was made from ground red peppers.
Fever: Eat yogurt.
Headaches: Eat fish, ginger, and drink water to reduce pain.
High Blood Pressure: Eat celery and olive oil. Both have proven to lower blood pressure.
High Cholesterol: Eat garlic and white veggies, such as cauliflower and mushrooms.
Insomnia: Eat honey. It is a natural sedative and stress reliever.
Morning Sickness: Eat ginger. It settles the stomach and reduces feelings of nausea.
Stroke Prevention: Drink tea. It helps to prevent fat build up in your arteries.
Ulcers: Eat cabbage. It contains a chemical that helps to heal gastric and duodenal ulcers.

adding celery and olive oil to your diet between 2-5 times per week for a couple of months. If you are consistent, you will see results!
If you want to try using food as medicine, but aren't sure where to start, click here, to receive a "food as medicine" health questionnaire. Why settle for dizziness, drowsiness, vomiting, or any other painful side effect if you don't have to.
Holy Yoga
"I was having continuous shoulder issues and pain and it has decreased dramatically since I started practicing, not to mention I have greater flexibility, peace of mind, and less stress! Good for your mind, spirit, AND body." - Katy
After just a few months, Katy's health and wellness has increased! If you're new to Holy Yoga, or even yoga in general, I encourage you to give it a try. Come just as you are, do what you feel comfortable with, and let God take care of the rest.
There is an update to the Holy Yoga schedule in Long Beach. There will be no more Wednesday evening classes! Classes on Tuesday morning and Thursday evening will remain the same. For more information about Holy Yoga, class locations, pricing, and private lessons, please visit my website by clicking here.
God gave us food, not only to nourish our bodies, but also to heal us from ailments. Food was the first form of medicine, and if it is applied regularly, can be quite effective at healing our ailments.
Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness
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