Thursday, November 7, 2013

I Want to be FEARLESS

I want to be FEARLESS! That has been my prayer lately. That I would be bold and courageous. So full of faith, that no matter what comes my way that I fearlessly tackle it. 

One of my favorite songs is "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns.

Here are a few of the lyrics:
'Oh what I would do to have
the kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant
with just a sling and a stone
surrounded by the sound a thousand warriors
shaking in their armor
wishing they'd have had the strength to stand.'

I love love love King David! He's one of my favorite characters in the Bible because he lived radically, courageously, fearlessly, for The Lord. I think it's sad that he is more well known for his affair with Bathsheba, than he is for all of the mighty things that he did for God. When he was just a young boy he wrestled a lion with his bare hands because it was after the sheep he was tending. Before he was old enough to even be in the army, he fought and killed a giant with just a sling shot.

Who does that? Talk about courage! You can argue that he was just plain stupid, and that he's lucky that God protected him. But you cannot tell me that he wasn't fearless!

I often wonder what the world would be like today, if more of us lived fearlessly for The Lord. See I don't think that David was stupid or irresponsible when he did these radical things. The Bible says that David was filled MIGHTILY with the Holy Spirit. He was also a man of moral integrity who followed God's law. He never went into battle without consulting God first.

No, David wasn't stupid or irresponsible. He just knew where his power came from, and he knew the scope of capabilities that are given to us when we believe in God and are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Join me in prayer this week. Ask God to fill your MIGHTILY with the Holy Spirit. Ask God to give you the strength to stand before your giant with just a sling and a stone. Ask God for the kind of courage it takes to jump out of the boat and walk across the water towards Jesus, like Peter did. Ask God to make you fearless for him.

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