Thursday, November 28, 2013

Black Friday Sale

Thriving Through the Holidays is on SALE!

If you haven't signed up yet, this is the perfect time to do so.

On Black Friday only, this package will be 40% off! Thriving Through the Holidays has a retail value of $75, but from midnight to midnight, you can buy this package for $45.00 (Pacific Standard Time)!

This holiday nutritional program includes:

  • A list of foods that naturally stabilizes blood sugar, in order to counter act all of the extra sugar you'll be eating. This way you can still indulge in your favorite holiday goodies. 
  • A list of food recommendations that will help to boost your metabolism and keep you from gaining the standard holiday weight.
  • We will discuss stress management, sleep, alcohol consumption, and money; because our health is about so much more than just the food we eat.
  • Recipes! Each week you will receive multiple recipes. These will be healthier alternatives to the typical holiday meals. I want you to feel GOOD, not guilty, about the food that you're feeding your family.
  • A one on one consultation with me. This will give you an opportunity for some individualized recommendations.

If you want to hear more about this package, and what it has to offer, click here, or visit our website here.

For questions concerning Thriving Through the Holidays you can contact me at

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness on Black Friday

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