New Year, New You… New Spice?
What's on your agenda this year for 2014? Have you set some new intentions; a new years resolution? In an effort to find a newer, better version of ourselves, we all look for ways to spice up our lives in the new year.
Let's keep things simple this year. Instead of a complex new years resolution that is sure to fail, how
about spicing up your life literally? Spices are loaded with health benefits, and adding them to your daily cooking routine can increase your health and wellness dramatically. Below is a list of spices, and their basic healing properties.
Basil: Soothes stomach aches and gas.
Black Pepper: Helps relieve indigestion.
Cayenne: Very effective at preventing heart attacks.
Cinnamon: Regulates blood sugar naturally; is great for diabetes prevention.
Clove: Anti-microbial.
Dill: A natural treatment for heartburn, colic, and gas.
Fennel: Reduces bad breath and body odor.
Fenugreek: Helps flush out harmful toxins.
Garlic: Lowers "bad" cholesterol, is an antioxidant, and helps to prevent many different kinds of cancer.
Ginger: Anti-nausea remedy, very effective for morning sickness.
Mint: Eases hiccups.
Oregano: Helps soothe stomach muscles.
Rosemary: Antioxidant.
Sage: Antiseptic and antibiotic; great for boosting the immune system.
Thyme: Helps reduce asthma by relaxing the respiratory muscles.
Turmeric: A natural anti-inflammatory that helps to reduce the pain of arthritis and injury.
Try adding some of these spices to your diet in 2014. I want to caution you that this doesn't mean buying a spice mix at the store, or using more garlic salt in your food. This means chopping up a clove of garlic to add to your food instead. It's a little more work, but the health benefits far out weight it. Besides, what would a new years resolution be if it wasn't a bit of work?
New Year, New You… New Yoga?
It's a new year, and the perfect time to commit to a new Holy Yoga practice. The class schedule for the new year is:
Tuesdays @9am
Thursdays @7:15pm
Please remember that Holy Yoga is for EVERYONE! The practice is all about coming just as you are that day. There is absolute freedom to rest on your mat during the entire class, or to challenge yourself in each pose. No matter where you're at, whether you are a brand new beginner, or have been practicing for many years, YOU are welcome! Just as you are. Always.
If you don't live in Long Beach, there still may be a Holy Yoga class near you. Visit the holy yoga website
here, to find a class in your area.
Whether you add spices to your meal, start attending a Holy Yoga class, or have a resolution of your own, I pray that 2014 is a year of new beginnings for you!
Wishing you Health, Hope, & Happiness
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