Thursday, January 2, 2014

The First Rule to Achieving Your New Years Resolution

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”
Proverbs 29:18 KJV

Setting a specific goal is vital because it sets the tone for CHANGE. Statistics show that people who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than those who don't. So what are you waiting for? I've outlined some ways that you can set really explicit goals based around your new years resolution. Follow the steps below to increase your chances of achieving your goals.
Step #1: Set both short and long term plans that center around your goal.
Step #2: Break down your goal into monthly, and weekly figures.
Step #3: Write the goals out, and place them in plain sight, somewhere that you can see them everyday.
Step #4: Give yourself some grace.

The #1 resolution for 2014 is to lose weight. Let's take this resolution and apply the four steps. 

Step #1: Set both short and long term plans that are centered around your goal.
The long term goal would be to lose 25 pounds in 2014. A short term goal would be to lose 5 pounds by the first weekend of March when you attend your brother-in-law's wedding. The short term goal of losing 5 pounds by March 1st puts you on pace to lose 25 pounds by the end of the year. It is also centered around an event that will give you motivation to lose the weight (a family wedding).

Step #2: Break down your goal into monthly and weekly figures.
If you want to lose 25 pounds in 2014, that is just a hair over 2 pounds per month, and one pound every other week. Breaking this goal down into a monthly goal of 2 pounds, and a weekly goal (or every other week in this case) greatly increases the chances of staying on track with your goals through out the entire year. Once you've set these monthly/weekly goals, find ways to monitor and track them. 

Step #3: Write the goals out and place them in plain sight.
Write out your goal to lose 25 pounds this year. Place it on your bathroom mirror, your fridge, the inside of your pantry, your nightstand, your steering wheel, and wherever else you want to. Don't stop there, track you successes from month to month, and place those in the same places. Positive motivation is the best motivation. You're much less likely to reach for junk food in the pantry if you have a piece of paper with your goal to lose 25 pounds, and your current weight loss number staring you in the face. 

Step #4: Give yourself some GRACE!! 
A big reason that goals fail is because people give up at the first sign of distress. I hate to say this, but something will come up this year that will threaten your new years resolution. Life is full of unexpected twists that can easily ruin our well planned out goals. However, just because you fall off the wagon for a day, a week, or even a month, that doesn't mean you need to give up. Give yourself some grace; instead of beating yourself up, get back on the wagon. Don't  wait until 2015 to start again!

Setting explicit goals are a huge part of maintaining your new years resolution and finding success in 2014. Take some time to apply these four steps to your new years resolution. If you're unsure of how to apply these steps to your new years resolution, schedule a complementary "Goal Setting in 2014" health consultation.

Even though setting goals is a huge part of finding success, it's not the only factor to achieving your new years resolution. See my post "The 3 Keys to Make Your New Years Resolution Stick." By incorporating your goal setting with the other two principles mentioned in that post, your chances for success skyrocket!

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

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