Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Third Rule for Achieving Your New Years Resolution

I'm a huge fan of boundaries. Why? Because so many of the problems we encounter are because we didn't take the time to guard ourselves. What happens when you get caught off guard? You usually says something harsh that you later regret, or you commit to something that you can't follow through with. 

"Above all else guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it" 
Proverbs 4:23

Satan is really sneaky. He doesn't approach us with all he's got right from the start. Instead he comes at us from an angle, something we don't expect. He tries to trick us with something that appears safe, but is actually very harmful. He uses a slow fade, and overtime he turns black and white into gray. Before we know it, choices are made that harm us, hurt people we love, and lead to guilt and regret.

I'm a huge fan of boundaries in all areas of my life. Setting clear boundaries was my main intention in 2013. Setting strong boundaries has helped me to avoid getting caught off guard, making stupid mistakes that I quickly regret, it has kept me from hurting those I love most, it has dramatically reduced the stress in my life, and it has protected me from getting taken advantage of. My husband and I both have strong boundaries set in our relationship with each other, as well as our relationship with others. I started out 2013 with the intention of setting boundaries in one or two key areas of my life. However, once I started setting boundaries in those two areas of my life, I realized that I needed boundaries in ALL areas of my life. I needed to guard my heart, my time, my relationship with Jesus, my health, my marriage, my money, my diet, and so much more.

When it comes to your new years resolution, setting boundaries around it is a must. It doesn't matter if you resolution has to do with your health, or with something totally different. We all have weaknesses that will threaten the success of our new years resolutions. Being able to predict these weaknesses and set boundaries around them will protect you and greatly increase your chance of sticking with your resolution in 2014.

Let's look at an example. Say that your resolution is to exercise 3 days per week this year. If your main weakness for skipping the gym is due to exhaustion after work, then you need to start by setting some boundaries around your sleep schedule. On the night before you plan to go to the gym, set a strict bedtime for yourself. This bedtime boundary will help to prevent exhaustion, and will help you make going to the gym 3 days a week a reality.

I know setting boundaries can seem overwhelming and very tricky. It took a lot of guess and check work through out 2013 before I really mastered my boundaries. Start out by being honest with yourself about your weaknesses surround your resolution. Then, set boundaries from there. Be aware through out January of other weaknesses that threaten your new years resolution, and be willing to adjust your boundaries as you see fit.

In the month of January, I will be offering a complementary, one on one, phone consultation geared towards setting boundaries around your resolution. To sign up, click here. I would love to work with you to help you set really clear boundaries that will help to guard your goal and set you up for success!

Setting boundaries isn't the only piece of the puzzle when it comes to achieving your new year's resolution. Take some time to review the "3 Keys to Make Your New Year's Resolution Stick." By applying all three principles, you will have a significantly greater chance for success.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

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