Monday, July 28, 2014

Prayers for Alzheimer's Disease & Brain Health

Through the month of July, we prayed over Alzheimer's Disease. This disease is growing in frequency in the U.S. with 1 in 3 seniors getting diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease right now. If Alzheimer's is in your genes, print these prayers out and pray them frequently!

1. Lord Jesus, I ask that you would keep my brain healthy throughout the entirety of my life. Put a hedge of protection around my brain cells, my memory, and my thinking skills. Give me clarity of mind and spirit today, and everyday of my life.

2. Lord Jesus I ask for wisdom beyond my own understanding with possible triggers to Alzheimer's Disease. Please protect me from any and all environmental or lifestyle factors that may harm my brain or cause Alzheimer's Disease.

3. Lord Jesus I ask that you would relieve any tension in my neck and shoulders that, over time, may contribute to Alzheimer's Disease. Lord help me not to worry about anything, but to trust you in everything. Help me to come to you for rest as I need it.

4. Lord Jesus, we ask that you would give medical researchers the knowledge needed in order to find a cure for Alzheimer's Disease. In the meantime, Lord, we ask for better medication that would give all those suffering from Alzheimer's Disease better quality of life.

For more information on Alzheimer's Disease, and ways to prevent it, click here.

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