Thursday, July 31, 2014

The 80/20 Rule

I have this theory about the way we view God.

80% of the time we view God as this stern judge who sits on this throne with a gavel in hand watching and waiting to judge our every mistake.
20% of the time we view God as our loving father who is watching and waiting to pour out his grace and redeem our every mistake.

80% of the time we view God as this stern judge who hands out punishment for the crimes we have committed.
20% of the time we view God as our loving father who desires to greatly bless us and give us the best life possible in spite of the crimes we have committed.

80% of the time we view God as this stern judge who is too holy to talk to, too holy to approach, to holy to run to for help.
20% of the time we view God our loving father who wants nothing more than to have an intimate relationship with us, who greatly desires us to run to him with our every need.

80% of the time we view God as this stern judge who is angry, unloving, and hard hearted.
20% of the time we view God as a loving father will continue to pursue us, and will never give up on us, will never leave us or forsake us.

80% of the time we view God as this stern judge who is too busy to deal with our small insignificant problems
20% of the time we view God as a loving father who wants to take care of every need we have, no matter how small.

The problem with the 80/20 rule is that it's a lie. Satan spins this lie in our minds and it slowly eats away at our faith and our relationship with Jesus. If we could fully understand just HOW MUCH God loves us, we would live our lives so differently.

I'm always shocked at how many times people tell me that they don't pray over their health because they don't think God cares. That is a lie. In Matthew there are so many accounts of Jesus healing the sick, from insignificant things like a common fever, to life threatening diseases like leprosy. I love reading about Jesus healing the sick in Matthew because he is very specific in the reason WHY Jesus always took the time to heal the broken people that came to him.

Compassion. Matthew points out again and again in his gospel that Jesus felt compassion for the sick and so he healed them. So whether you are suffering from back pain or cancer, Jesus feels for you. Jesus feels compassion for your pain. Don't believe the 80/20 rule. Don't give in to the lies that he doesn't care, can't heal, or won't heal you.

Know that he has compassion for you!

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

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