Friday, February 22, 2013

Foods to Eat More of in 2013

Foods to Eat More of in 2013

This is just a list I put together. All of these foods have tons of healing properties. If you start adding even half of them into your diet, you won't be sorry!

Brown Rice
Brown rice has been around for thousands of years, but only now getting the attention it deserves. Evidence suggests that brown rice may have more cancer-fighting antioxidants than blueberries or blackberries. It's also loaded with fiber and B-vitamins.

Looking for a condiment that will give kick to your food while kicking cancer risk as well? Then add some horseradish to a sandwich or salad dressing. Horseradish comes from the same family as cancer-fighting superstars broccoli, cabbage, kale and cauliflower. Horseradish contained high amounts of glucosinolate, a natural compound that has been found to be a powerful dietary ally in preventing cancer.

Move over blueberries, blackberries may have you beat! Blackberries have been found to be higher in antioxidants than their blue counterparts. While both berries are fabulous in terms of fighting off disease, blackberries are often the understudy to blueberries. This year, why not make them center stage? Their anti-inflammatory effects not only may help to prevent cancer, but may do wonders for your skin as well!

Black Beans
This plant-based protein is high in fiber and iron -- giving new meaning to the term "nutrient density," and making it a dream food staple for individuals hoping to shed a few pounds! Black beans are especially effective for those who eat very little meat, are vegetarians, or vegans. 

With new and exciting super fruits being introduced to the market, sometimes it's easy to forget that some simple fruit staples are still some of the best. Pears are high in fiber and vitamin C and may  reduce your risk of cancer.  Studies have shown that pears may help reduce the incidence of gastric cancer by decreasing bile acids in the intestinal tract.

Onions are not only a great way to add taste to your meals, but may also help to reduce your risk of stroke as well. A flavanoid known as rutin, which is present in onions, is credited for reducing the formation of blood clots. 

Black Pepper
A few sprinkles of black pepper not only add great flavor to your food, but it may also help to block fat! A compound in pepper, known as piperine, helps to block the formation of fat cells in the body. If you're going to spice up your food, why not choose something that will help you keep the weight down? 

Purple Potatoes
If you think all potatoes are the downfall to your weight-loss plans, think again! Eating a moderate serving of purples potatoes once a day may help to lower blood pressure in obese individuals without causing weight gain. As a rule of thumb, the more color a fruit or vegetable has, the better it is for you. That's because vibrant hues in whole foods are created by powerful phytochomeicals that help to reduce inflammation and overall disease risk.

For more information on healthy foods to eat this year, you can visit my website here, or contact me directly at

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

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