Friday, February 8, 2013

Satan is super scary. In fact, he's terrifying. You know that verse that talks about how Satan prowls around like a roaring lion looking for those he can devour? That's what I think of when I think of Satan.  Steal, kill, destroy. That's what I visualize. Sometimes I get so caught up in this fear of Satan, this despair, this black hole; that I forget what's on my side. I forget that there is hope. Most of all I forget that Satan cannot and will not win. Ever. Does he win battles everyday? Yes, but he doesn't win the war.

This is Satan's biggest ploy over me. That he is scary, he is absolute, he never stops, he never leaves, and mostly, that he is powerful. While these things may have some small truth to them, the real ploy lies in the fact that I think Satan possesses these traits to an extent that God can't win. I forget just how big God is. How mighty God is. How powerful God is. How much authority God has over everything.

He's the God that conquers giants
He's the God that calls out kings
He's the God that parts the seas
He's the God that shuts the mouths of lions
He's the God that tells the dead to rise
He's the God that walks through fire
He's the God that calms the storm
He's the God that walks on water
He's the God that protects and provides.
He's the God that stomped Satan to the ground
He's the God that will bind Satan in the pit.
He's the God that saved us all from sin.

He is my God, your God, our mighty God. There is NOTHING that Satan can throw at me that God cannot protect me from.

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