Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Is Buying Organic Worth the Price You Pay?

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that organic foods are more expensive than "regular" foods. Organic dairy products are especially expensive, so it's hard to believe that it may be worth it to buy organic. In fact, only you can decide if it is worth it for you to spend your money on organic dairy. Here are the facts, you decide:

1. Organically raised cows aren't pumped full of synthetic growth hormones. Don't think this is a big deal? More than 70% of the antibiotics in our country are used on livestock. Female cows are given drugs that allow them to milk while pregnant. (Normally, you cannot milk while pregnant. It will cause the fetus to die). That means the milk that we drink is not only infected by all the antibiotics that cows are pumped with, it's also full of pregnancy hormones, and synthetic hormones used to keep the fetus alive. 

2. Grass fed cows produce milk that is higher in conjugated linoleic acid. In a study conducted by Harvard researchers, people with higher levels of CLA in their tissues had a 36% lower risk of heart attack. Are you at risk of a heart attack? Is there a risk of heart attacks in your family?

3. Organic milk has MUCH higher levels of omega 3's. While we all know that omega 3's are all the craze right now, most people have no idea why they're so beneficial. Omega 3's reduce inflammation in the body that lead to arthritis, joint pain, heart disease, and more. Omega 3's also protect your brain. 

4. One of the scariest side effects of synthetic growth hormones is a hormone called insulin growth factor 1. This hormone has been linked to high rates of breast cancer in women below 40 years old and this hormone is present in all milk that comes from cows that are fed synthetic growth hormones - in other words, it is present in all milk that is not labeled organic. 

We all know organic milk is expensive. It's hard to make that weekly investment when you're broke. I get it. I fight it every week. Ultimately, I have made the decision that I want quality in my years, not just quantity. Whether you choose to make this decision or not, you deserve to know what a few extra bucks every week can do to you, or do for you, when you're older. 

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