Saturday, December 28, 2013

3 Keys to Make Your New Year's Resolution Stick

2013 is ending, and as we usher in 2014, it's time to make some changes. A new you in the new year. It's time to talk about new years resolutions. It shouldn't be too surprising that the #1 new years resolutions in 2014 is to lose weight and #5 is to stay fit and healthy. I find this to be very inspiring. It's exciting to know that so many people care about improving their health. However, of those who set a new years resolution, only 8% are successful in achieving their goal. The good news is, it's absolutely possible for you to be in that 8% that finds success with their new years resolution! 

In order to do so, you need to be prepared. Let's start with the three main reasons that most new years resolutions fail, and what you can do about it. 

1. Set a specific goal. Sounds easy enough right? We've all heard this before. Statistics show that people who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than those who don't. How do you apply this? Set a specific goal, with both short term and long term details. Let's use the #1 new years resolution as an example. Making the resolution to "lose weight" is not specific. Instead, your resolution should look something like this: lose 25 pounds this year, 2 pounds each month, 1 pound every two weeks. Once you have a specific goal in mind, with both short term and long term detailing, it's so much easier to plan for success.

2. Find accountability before you start. When it comes to any goal, accountability makes all the difference. This is especially true with weight loss because there are so many levels to it. Between convenience foods and emotional eating, everyday exhaustion, and the unexpected things of life, a solid accountability partner can be crucial to keeping you on track and focused through out the year. The key here is finding a solid accountability partner. One who isn't afraid to put you in your place. One who truly wants you to be the best you that you can be. Whether it's a friend, your spouse, a colleague, or a health coach like me (wink wink!), find a solid partner NOW.

3. Set boundaries. No matter what your resolution is this year, we all have a weakness that will threaten the success of that resolution. Being able to predict that weakness, will greatly increase your chance of sticking with your resolution through out the year. This is where setting boundaries comes in. Let's look at an example. Say that your resolution is to exercise 3 days per week this year. If your main weakness for skipping the gym is due to exhaustion after work, then you need to start by setting some boundaries around your sleep schedule. On the night before you plan to go to the gym, set a strict bedtime for yourself. This bedtime boundary will greatly increase your chance of making it to the gym the next day.

Take some time in the next couple of days to reflect on each of these three areas. For more support, you can contact me here, to schedule a complementary 1 on 1 "New Year, New You" session. I would love to work with you on your new years resolutions to help you achieve your goals.

I'll also be blogging about each of these three areas in more detail in the coming week. To make sure you don't miss these follow up blogs, you can enter your email address into the top right hand corner. By doing this, these blogs will get sent directly to your email.

Wishing you Health, Hope, & Happiness in 2014

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