Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Nagging Aches and Pains

This month's prayer topic is a little bit different. I chose to spend the entire month of August praying over nagging aches and pains. It's more vague than most of the topics and the application will vary ALOT from person to person. However, I chose this topic because I know that almost everyone has nagging aches and pains, and old injuries that just won't go away. If you're new to the blog, or to the weekly prayers, start here: 52 Weeks, 52 Prayers Campaign.

I also chose this prayer topic because I think most of us have settled into our nagging aches and pains. We have come to a Mexican standoff with our aches and pains and the results aren't pretty. We don't even consider what it would be like to find healing. We settle for "good days" and "tolerable pain." We don't even consider praying over these old aches and pains that we have had for so long.

For me, low back pain has been a constant companion of mine for the past eleven years. It has gotten much worse in the past seven years due to an injury I suffered in college. If the pain is manageable, I consider that a good day and am happy, but in the back of my mind I am constantly worried about a flare up that will leave me incapacitated. There are some things I have learned to do to help the pain, but those things only help, they don't heal. What I hate most about the constant back pain is that it sucks so much life out of me. It is a constant burden and it affects so much of my life. I have tried so many different things to heal the pain. I have tried massage therapy, stretching, strength training, yoga, heat, oil therapy, and chiropractic.

Because none of that has brought me healing (some of it has helped), I have given up in the last three years and have just learned to accept the pain and deal with it as best as I can. God has really convicted me of this sin (ouch). I have been writing (read preaching) to you through this blog about believing that God can heal anything and praying through every aspect of your health, all the while I had given up on praying over my own health. So let me first ask your forgiveness for not practicing what I preach, and second let me say that I have a renewed determination to start praying over my back pain. I would also like to ask those of you who don't have nagging aches and pains to pray this month's weekly prayers over my back pain.

For those of you who do suffer from nagging aches and pains; your issues may be totally different than mine, and I encourage everyone to utilize this month's prayers in the way that best suits their health. If you have an undiagnosed illness, or an incurable disease, or an injury that won't heal, these are all fair game as well.

What will the weekly prayers cover in the coming month?
We will be praying this month for complete and total healing, insight into the root cause of these issues so that they can be pulled out by those roots, clarity with treatment, wisdom with pain management, and freedom from mental and emotional baggage that may be aggravating these issues.

How do I find the new prayer each week?
The weekly prayer is posted on my website on the right side bar. It is updated at the beginning of each week.

The weekly prayers will also be posted on Instagram at the beginning of each week. Follow me @abbyshroka in order to see the new prayer each week.

The weekly prayer are also posted on our Facebook page. By liking us on Facebook, you will have access to each week's prayer. Click here to like us on Facebook.

I want to encourage all of you who have made the commitment to pray over your health for these 52 weeks. Prayer is powerful and effective. God honors prayer and is compassionate when it comes to our health! I cannot wait to see what God does this month as we pray over nagging aches and pains.

*If you are just getting started with the 52 Weeks, 52 Prayers Campaign, you can find the past prayers and topics below:

Digestive Disorders and Stomach Pain
Prayers for Digestive Disorders and Stomach Pain

Alzheimer's Disease
Prayers for Alzheimer's Disease and Brain Health

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

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