Thursday, November 28, 2013

Black Friday Sale

Thriving Through the Holidays is on SALE!

If you haven't signed up yet, this is the perfect time to do so.

On Black Friday only, this package will be 40% off! Thriving Through the Holidays has a retail value of $75, but from midnight to midnight, you can buy this package for $45.00 (Pacific Standard Time)!

This holiday nutritional program includes:

  • A list of foods that naturally stabilizes blood sugar, in order to counter act all of the extra sugar you'll be eating. This way you can still indulge in your favorite holiday goodies. 
  • A list of food recommendations that will help to boost your metabolism and keep you from gaining the standard holiday weight.
  • We will discuss stress management, sleep, alcohol consumption, and money; because our health is about so much more than just the food we eat.
  • Recipes! Each week you will receive multiple recipes. These will be healthier alternatives to the typical holiday meals. I want you to feel GOOD, not guilty, about the food that you're feeding your family.
  • A one on one consultation with me. This will give you an opportunity for some individualized recommendations.

If you want to hear more about this package, and what it has to offer, click here, or visit our website here.

For questions concerning Thriving Through the Holidays you can contact me at

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness on Black Friday

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thriving Through the Holidays

Through the month of December, I am running a special holiday nutrition program. This program is going to be online, so that you can participate on your own time, from the comfort of your own home.

Here is a look at the nutritional topics that will be covered in this program:
1. This program will NOT feature a specific diet. I won't be telling you what can and cannot eat.
Instead, we are going to discuss three main food topics: sugar, water, and vegetables. I'll give you a list of foods that naturally work to stabilize blood sugar levels, so that your body won't be so affected by all the extra sugar you are eating in the form of holiday goodies. I will follow this up with recommendations on how to incorporate some of these foods into your diet.

We will also discuss some minor changes you can make with your current vegetable and water intake, that will make an enormous difference in your energy level. I won't ask you to eat anything that you don't like. The key here, is that we will work with what you are already doing, so that any changes made are simple. I know you are BUSY during the holidays, so I want to make things as easy as possible for you.

2. This program is not based on deprivation. You will still be allowed to indulge in your favorite holiday goodies. I know I said it already, but I'm going to stress it again. I will not tell you what you cannot eat. Frankly, that would be a waste of my time, and would be unrealistic. Part of thriving through the holidays, is allowing yourself some indulgences. I get that, and I encourage that. This nutritional program is about working with what you're eating, not changing what you're eating altogether.

3. We will be focusing on more than just food. We will touch on stress management, sleep, alcohol, and setting healthy boundaries for yourself and your family, so that you can enjoy the holiday season without getting pulled into a million directions.

4. Recipes! Along with all of the other great content, you will receive a couple of recipes each week. These recipes will focus on holiday dishes made healthy. This way you can still go all out for Christmas dinner, but you can also feel great about the dishes that you are feeding your family.

How will this program work? 
1. It's all online for your convenience. Each Monday in December, I will send you an email with a video that introduces the topic of the week, a few downloads with additional nutritional information, a page of recommendations for you to implement into your diet, and a few recipes.

This way, you can review the information on your own time, and you can review the information anywhere, whether in your own bed, or at your mother-in-law's house. 

2. You will receive a one on one consultation with me. This consultation will take place over the phone, during the second week of December, and will last approximately 45 minutes. This way, we will have an opportunity to discuss any questions that you have, and review your specific needs, in order to give you more individualized recommendations. This consultation is valued at $98.00, but comes complementary with the cost of the program!

If you have any additional questions about this program, you can email me at

The deadline to register is Sunday, December 1st, 2013. 

The cost of the program is $75.00

I love love love the Christmas season. I truly believe that it is the best time of the year. I love the sappy Christmas movies, the decorations, the generosity that people have towards one another, the family gatherings, the Christmas music, and even the food. (Yes I love holiday food, despite the fact that I am a health coach). It's so sad to me when I hear others talk about how taxing the holiday season is for them. Phrases like "I'm doing my best to just survive the season," or "It's all I can do to just survive through this month," and "I'm just trying to survive right now, but come January I will…" One thing that all of these phrases has in common; survival. How sad is that? The holiday season should be the best time of the year. A time where you, your family, and your life should really THRIVE.

If you are someone that gets caught in survival mode during the holiday season, I really hope that you will consider signing up for this 30 day nutritional program. It may very well be one of best investments you make for yourself during this season.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

Monday, November 18, 2013

November's Oil of the Month is... Cinnamon Oil

In honor of Thanksgiving, I decided to blog this month on the benefits of Cinnamon Oil. (there is no turkey essential oil, so cinnamon was the closest I could get). Cinnamon was used in ancient Chinese medicine as a prescription for stomach aches, infections, as a tranquilizer, for a weak heart, and as an anti depressant.

Today Cinnamon Oil is used as a natural form of medication for two main diseases; depression and diabetes. 

I'm really passionate about diabetes prevention for two main reasons. First, it kills millions of people in this country every year, and for many of those people, it is reversible and preventable. The second reason I'm passionate about diabetes prevention, is because Type 2 Diabetes runs in my family. And when I say "runs in my family" I mean that almost everyone on my dad's side has it. The odds aren't in my favor!

Because Diabetes is one thing I do NOT want to inherit from my family, I have already started working to prevent it. One of the things I do, is use Cinnamon Oil on a regular basis. Cinnamon Oil reduces blood glucose levels, supports the pancreas in running efficiently, and improves blood circulation. Because Cinnamon Oil is considered safe for oral consumption, I usually add it to my oatmeal in the mornings for my breakfast. You can also put a drop under your tongue, or mix a drop into your water. 

Cinnamon is one of the oldest medications used for depression. Results vary widely among people, with some feeling no effects whatsoever. There is no sure fire way to know if Cinnamon will work as an anti-depressant for you, besides trying it out. Please do so with extreme caution!

If you are interested in purchasing Cinnamon Oil for yourself, you can order it here: 
- Click on "shop for products" in the top right hand corner.
- After entering the country of shipping, click on "single oils" to find Cinnamon.
- Try using it as an ingredient in your Thanksgiving dinner!

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

If you missed last month's essential oil, click here, to read all about Lavender and it's properties as a universal oil.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

November's Newsletter: Thriving Through the Holidays

It's hard to believe that the holidays are almost upon us. Just this weekend I saw a Black Friday commercial. It won't be long before the busyness of the season sets in, and with it, stress, exhaustion, and weight gain. What if, this year you decided to invest in yourself. To enjoy Christmas. to stay on top of your weight and your sleep. What would that be like?

Last year, I kept hearing people say that they were simply trying to survive the holiday season. It was all they could do just to be present. I thought, how sad is that? From that struggle, an idea was born.


Who: You! Or anyone else you know that tends to be stressed out, high on sugar, and sleep deprived throughout the entirety of the holiday season.

What: A 30 day, online, nutritional program designed to guide you through the holiday season in a healthier, more stress free way. I will give you tools for managing your weight and your time, without asking you to sacrifice your favorite holiday goodies, or your best friend's Christmas party.

When: The program starts Monday, December 2nd, and runs through December 31st. Sign up is open now, for a limited time only. Click here to sign up.

Where: Online, in the comfort of your own home. The holiday season is BUSY. I want to make this as time efficient as possible for your. 

How: Each Monday in December, you will receive handouts, downloads, and a video presentation from me. This allows you to go at your own pace, on your own time. You will also receive a one on one consultation with me to discuss the materials you receive, review questions you may have, and discuss your goals for making this holiday season your best one in years.

Why: The holiday season can be hard. There are candy and cookies everywhere you turn, there is the stress of extra bills, tense family gatherings, shopping, entertaining, and traveling. You're left feeling frustrated and exhausted. But, it doesn't have to be this way!

You don't have to settle for merely surviving the holidays. Allow yourself to THRIVE instead!

Sign up now! Click here to get started. Don't wait until it's too late. Sign up will close by the end of this month. Give yourself the gift of truly enjoying this Christmas season. Allow yourself to THRIVE this year.

Not sure if this program is right for you? Connect with me and I'll answer any questions you have.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

Follow me:
twitter: @Abby_Shroka
instagram: abbyshroka

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I Want to be FEARLESS

I want to be FEARLESS! That has been my prayer lately. That I would be bold and courageous. So full of faith, that no matter what comes my way that I fearlessly tackle it. 

One of my favorite songs is "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns.

Here are a few of the lyrics:
'Oh what I would do to have
the kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant
with just a sling and a stone
surrounded by the sound a thousand warriors
shaking in their armor
wishing they'd have had the strength to stand.'

I love love love King David! He's one of my favorite characters in the Bible because he lived radically, courageously, fearlessly, for The Lord. I think it's sad that he is more well known for his affair with Bathsheba, than he is for all of the mighty things that he did for God. When he was just a young boy he wrestled a lion with his bare hands because it was after the sheep he was tending. Before he was old enough to even be in the army, he fought and killed a giant with just a sling shot.

Who does that? Talk about courage! You can argue that he was just plain stupid, and that he's lucky that God protected him. But you cannot tell me that he wasn't fearless!

I often wonder what the world would be like today, if more of us lived fearlessly for The Lord. See I don't think that David was stupid or irresponsible when he did these radical things. The Bible says that David was filled MIGHTILY with the Holy Spirit. He was also a man of moral integrity who followed God's law. He never went into battle without consulting God first.

No, David wasn't stupid or irresponsible. He just knew where his power came from, and he knew the scope of capabilities that are given to us when we believe in God and are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Join me in prayer this week. Ask God to fill your MIGHTILY with the Holy Spirit. Ask God to give you the strength to stand before your giant with just a sling and a stone. Ask God for the kind of courage it takes to jump out of the boat and walk across the water towards Jesus, like Peter did. Ask God to make you fearless for him.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nitty Gritty Love

Think back to a time when you were passionately in love. Everything was exciting. Colors were vivid. A shared touch left you feeling exhilarated. You were floating on air and all of your problems seemed to disappear. You were high on life. No matter what your nutrition was like, you were healthy, happy, and full of hope.

Relationships affect our health. That's no secret. The stress of a bad relationship can kill, while the euphoria of falling in love can heal. That's why marriage can play such a significant role in our health.

Married people, on average, live longer than single people.

A divorce can be devastating on your mental, physical, and emotional health.

Investing in your marriage is as important to your health as investing in your diet. There are so many ways that you can invest in your marriage. A great resource I have found for doing just that is a blog. Nitty Gritty Love is a blog that is written by a mother - daughter duo. The mother has been married for over 20 years, and the daughter has been married just a few years. Being "newer" married myself (it's been three years already?!), I enjoy the perspective that the daughter brings and I can really relate to her posts. However, it's also nice to get the tried and true advice that comes from decades of marriage.

Their blog posts are inspiring, helpful, and applicable. They never try to be someone they aren't, and usually blog off of their latest mistakes. I also like reading things that are unique. By this point in my marriage I've heard people tell me to make time for my husband, and to put his needs before my own about a million times. I don't need another blog to tell me that. And this blog doesn't.

Nitty Gritty Love speaks truth straight to me every single time. It gets deep from the first sentence and it actually talks about the REAL issues that we all struggle with, like finances, in laws, compromising, raising children, and if/when to have kids.

This blog has been such a blessing to me in the past 18 months. I strongly encourage you to visit it, read through it, and subscribe to it. I hope that it brings healing to your marriage, and subsequently, to your physical health as well.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness