Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year, Same God

With the new year right around the corner, it can be a really exciting time, and it can also be a really scary time. For some, the unknown is thrilling, but for others its a complete dread. Whether you are excited, or anxious about the new year, one thing is for certain, God always goes with us. Each year as we count down the seconds until the ball drops and we officially escort in a new year, God is right there waiting to cross that threshold with us. This same God that has been with us from day one. This same God that has carried us through every trial we've faced in past year. This same God that loving forgives us and delivers us over and over and over again. 

When we choose to embrace this God as our Lord and Savior, we can look to the future with peace and confidence instead of worry and dread. Even though you may not know what lies ahead, you do know who lays ahead.

Weekly Prayer:
Father God, I am so grateful that you never change and that you are always with me in every new phase of my life. I ask that you would go before me in 2015. Please lead and guide me exactly where you want me to be. Bless me and show me favor in this new year. IJN Amen

Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Prince of Peace

The Lord has been speaking to me about peace a lot lately. So many people spend their entire life searching for peace that only God can bring. I've lived much of my life without peace, so I know how TOXIC it is, but I also know how powerful peace can be.

Although peace is a fruit of the spirit, many christians don't know how to live in peace. Instead, we carry around a lot of baggage that Jesus, the prince of peace, wants to take away. But we think the baggage is ours to carry, so we never even question it's existence. This baggage includes stress, fear, worry, anxiety, shame, and defeat. These are antidotes to peace. Only by giving these things to Jesus, and trusting him above all else, will we ever experience real peace.

Weekly Prayer:
Lord Jesus, I thank you that you are the Prince of Peace. I thank you that I can experience peace through you. Help me to throw off anything that hinders me from living fully in peace. IJN Amen

Thursday, December 18, 2014

The Value of Worrying

In Matthew 6:26 it says, "who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Whether you live in a constant state of stress in the month of December (or all year long), or are just an occasional worrier, living with stress won't add time or value to your life. It's important when we're worried and stressed to learn to stop that train of thought and fight it with God's help.

"God is our refuge and our strength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear."
Psalm 46:1

The first thing that you can do when you're feeling stressed is to go to The Lord. He is our refuge when we are worried. He is our strength when we are overwhelmed and weak. As you feel worry and stress creep up on you this week, make a conscious effort to remind yourself where your strength comes from. 

Weekly Prayer:
Father God, I know that worrying won't add any value to my life, but will instead zap me of life. Please help me to lean on you for strength in times of stress, instead of giving in to overwhelming thoughts.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Speak Scripture Over Your Life

"The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him" 
Lamentations 3:25

The Lord desires for us to seek him in all situations whether we are in a time of feast, or a time of famine. Whether we have some time to spare, or are super busy. By seeking him, we are reminded of his promises, reminded of who we are in him, and that gives us hope. When stressed and worried, one of the most powerful things you can do to relax, is to speak scripture over your life. Speak scripture over your circumstances. Remind yourself who your God is, how much he loves you, and who you are because of his grace and forgiveness. You will be amazed at the hope you can feel by doing this.

Weekly Prayer:
Father God, I know you are my refuge and my strength. I thank you that I can lean on you and hope in you during times of stress. Give me the desire to seek you every single day this month. IJN Amen.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Finding Rest During the Christmas Season

If you had to pick one time in a year that you are the most stressed, many of you would say right now, during the Christmas season. The major reason why, is because of the constant go, go, go and your to-do list that is a mile long. This week's prayer and devotion is focused on resting.

"…he sat down under it and prayed that he might die. I have had enough Lord, he said. Take my life, I am no better than my ancestors." 
1 Kings 19:4b

In this passage, Elijah has been sentenced to death by the King of Israel. The Israelites have rejected God's covenant, broken down the altars to the Lord, and put all the other prophets to death. Elijah is terrified for his people and his life, and he is ready to give up. He has totally reached his breaking point, even asking God to take his life. Instead, God allows him to fall asleep for an extended period of time, waking him only to eat and drink. Why? Because God knew that Elijah needed rest. He needed rest for his mind, his body, and his emotions. He needed rest because the coming task that God had for him was huge.

"I will refresh tired bodies. I will restore tired souls."
Jeremiah 31:25

Unlike Elijah, most of us have a choice of whether or not to engage in rest. It is especially tempting right now to keep going and wait to rest until after Christmas is over. But I strongly encourage you to rest this year! Otherwise, the odds of you reaching you breaking point a few days before Christmas is pretty high. Plus, God promises that resting is not a waist of time! He promises to refresh us.

In Elijah's case, God did restore him body and soul. Once he was rested, he was able to travel for 40 days and nights without food or water, overthrow the evil King of Israel, anoint a new King, and find another prophet to teach and train up to someday replace him. The strength he received by resting was powerful and effective, and well worth the time it took!

Weekly Prayer:
Father God, help me make resting a priority this Christmas season, so that I can be at my best for my family come Christmas day. Let my resting be a witness to those around me. Equip me to do far more through resting in you, than I ever could on my own. IJN Amen.

Monday, December 1, 2014

How do you Deal with Stress?

How do Christians deal with stress, especially around Christmas time? The time when we are supposed to be celebrating Jesus.

Stress tends to creep up on us when we're tired, sick, stuck in traffic, when we're running late, or when we've taken on too many responsibilities. When circumstances are out of our control, we feel stress. When our basic needs are not being met and our safety is threatened, we feel stress. These issues only increase at Christmas time, causing heightened levels of stress. Which is why, for the month of December the weekly prayers will focus on stress management. (To learn more about the weekly prayers, read 52 weeks, 52 prayers).

Stress, worry, and anxiety for Christians can take on many different forms, but in general, stress boils down to one idea: lack of trust in God. Ouch! Most Christians share the belief that God is sovereign and in control of life. Most Christians believe that God is the author, protector, and provider of life. So, when stress dominates life, that means that somewhere along the way we have failed to trust God. It's very easy to say, "Just trust God more and you won't deal with stress anymore." Yeah right! It's not that easy. Life is much too complicated, and we are much too vulnerable in our sinful nature for that to be true. Yet, for Christians, stress does have a positive side. It can be a mirror, or a reminder, that our lives have drifted away from God. It can be used as an indicator that we have stopped depending upon God for daily strength.

The Bible mentions many practical principles that can be used to avoid stress including regular rest, a proper diet, keeping balance in life, striving for peace with others, daily meditation on the word of God, having a thankful attitude, and prayer.

Obviously, we will be focusing on fighting stress with prayer through the month of December, the rest of the principles, such as rest, proper diet, and having balance in your life are nearly impossible during the holiday season, and that is ok (for the short term). It just means that your prayer life needs to be in overdrive. :)

This month the weekly prayers will also feature an added bonus. In addition to posting a new prayer each week on my website, Facebook page, and Instagram (@abbyshroka), I will also be posting them here on my blog, along with a SHORT devotion (I know you're busy busy busy right now)!

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness