Monday, December 29, 2014

New Year, Same God

With the new year right around the corner, it can be a really exciting time, and it can also be a really scary time. For some, the unknown is thrilling, but for others its a complete dread. Whether you are excited, or anxious about the new year, one thing is for certain, God always goes with us. Each year as we count down the seconds until the ball drops and we officially escort in a new year, God is right there waiting to cross that threshold with us. This same God that has been with us from day one. This same God that has carried us through every trial we've faced in past year. This same God that loving forgives us and delivers us over and over and over again. 

When we choose to embrace this God as our Lord and Savior, we can look to the future with peace and confidence instead of worry and dread. Even though you may not know what lies ahead, you do know who lays ahead.

Weekly Prayer:
Father God, I am so grateful that you never change and that you are always with me in every new phase of my life. I ask that you would go before me in 2015. Please lead and guide me exactly where you want me to be. Bless me and show me favor in this new year. IJN Amen

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