Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Prince of Peace

The Lord has been speaking to me about peace a lot lately. So many people spend their entire life searching for peace that only God can bring. I've lived much of my life without peace, so I know how TOXIC it is, but I also know how powerful peace can be.

Although peace is a fruit of the spirit, many christians don't know how to live in peace. Instead, we carry around a lot of baggage that Jesus, the prince of peace, wants to take away. But we think the baggage is ours to carry, so we never even question it's existence. This baggage includes stress, fear, worry, anxiety, shame, and defeat. These are antidotes to peace. Only by giving these things to Jesus, and trusting him above all else, will we ever experience real peace.

Weekly Prayer:
Lord Jesus, I thank you that you are the Prince of Peace. I thank you that I can experience peace through you. Help me to throw off anything that hinders me from living fully in peace. IJN Amen

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