Monday, August 6, 2012

Fix Your Wake Up Call

For the past week, I've had some sleepless nights. The snooze button on my alarm has been my best friend until I get up, and then that best friend is replaced with the coffee pot. By now, I've learned that when I don't sleep, it is because I'm worrying. My fears and doubts are practically shouting at me from inside my head, and I can no longer escape them in order to fall into a blissful sleep.

Because I have battled with sleepless nights before, I know some tricks that help me get back to that peaceful sleep that I'm missing so much. 
1. Exercise! No, this doesn't mean that you should get out of bed in the middle of the night and do some jumping jacks. That will definitely NOT help you fall asleep. What I am saying is that you will sleep much better when you are on a scheduled exercise routine. Yes, I know, you have no time or energy to exercise amidst your busy schedule, but I promise promise promise that having a regular exercise routine will help you have a more regular sleep routine
2. Stay away from caffeine towards the end of your day. This one seems like a no brainer, but caffeine can affect all of us differently. For me, I need to eat a solid meal AFTER having caffeine in order to sleep well at night. This means no caffeine for me with dinner, or after dinner. This is something that each person must experiment with.
3. Pray. This one works really well when I'm laying awake worrying about things that I can't control. There is nothing more frustrating then laying awake worrying about something that I know I can't do anything about. Like worrying about an upcoming big move (say to Cali)! Giving this worry over to God is the only thing to do, and it really helps!

Sometimes, even these tricks don't work. I have been trying all of these tricks lately, and none of them have been working. When these tricks don't work, that means that my "3am sweats" aren't the cause of any physical problem. It means that it is time to face my wake up call. Stay tuned!

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