Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Heart Healthy Breakfast Recipe

I love eating a big breakfast. It is the best way to start out the day. Lucky for me, my mom always made breakfast a priority in my house. These days, I try to continue what my mom started by making time to eat a heart healthy breakfast everyday. Below is my favorite breakfast meal. Throughout the next week, I will post more of my favorite breakfast meals for you all. I hope that you will try some of these meals for yourself, and if you have some heart healthy meals of your own to share with me, email me at abby.shroka@gmail.com I love trying new breakfast meals!!

Eggs, Bacon, and a few Veggies
-3 eggs scrambled
-1/2 of a green pepper chopped
-mushrooms, sliced
-moderate amounts of onion (totally depends on your preference)
-spinach/kale, chopped (whichever you prefer)
-2 strips of bacon
-1/2 of a grapefruit

If you're a tomato lover (I am not) you can add some diced tomatoes in there as well. The key is to pick some veggies that you like. Eating veggies at breakfast is soo healthy, and a great way to start out your day! Whenever I have veggies for breakfast I have so much more energy throughout the day. I usually have this meal on Thursdays. Thursdays are hard days because I am always exhausted from the long week I've had so far, and yet the week is still not over!! Try this breakfast on Thursday this week. It will really help you.

Hint: Cut up the grapefruit (or fruit of choice, sometimes I have strawberries instead) and the veggies the night before, so that all you have to do is scramble the eggs and make the bacon the morning of. This will save you alot of time. (I have problems getting up in the morning as you can tell. Anything that helps me get a few extra minutes sleep is welcome) Stay tuned for more breakfast recipes!

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