Friday, August 24, 2012

Dad's Specialty

Whenever my mom was gone overnight, my dad would always make us french toast. Even though this is a breakfast meal, he would always make it for dinner. If mom was gone for multiple nights, we would start to complain on the third or fourth day because we were tired of french toast, so he would order pizza. At some point, I developed a hatred for french toast because my dad would make it so much. I recently tried french toast again, for the first time in almost 10 years and it was quite delicious (I haven't told my dad this of course, he still thinks I hate it) Below is the recipe. Feel free to try it, just don't feed it to your kids over and over again.

French Toast
-2 eggs, beat lightly in a bowl
-soak bread in eggs on both sides
-fry bread on stove on low heat

This breakfast is full of protein and carbs! Add some fruit, grapefruit, strawberries, watermelon, cantelope, and you have a heart healthy breakfast.

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