Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Gold Old Vitamin D

I LOVE the sun. Most people who know me, know that this is true. Feeling the sun's rays on my face can instantly lift my spirit. I love being in the sun, or even looking at the sun. No, I don't mean directly staring up at the sun, but looking out at the bright sunny weather. So, I guess I should have said that I like natural light. Anyways, I usually lay out by our community pool on the weekends. It's one of those weekend indulgences that I try to reward myself with after a long week of work. This past weekend, I was laying out for my usual 40 minutes, 20 minutes on each side, and I just didn't want to go in once my 40 minutes were up. I've built up a pretty good tan, so I wasn't a bit worried about getting burnt, and I was really into the book I was reading and didn't want to put it down to go back inside. So I stayed out an additional 30 minutes. Of course you know what is coming next.

I got burnt, and not the burnt that turns into a tan the next day, but the burnt that I have to put lotion on myself twice a day for three days straight so that I can avoid peeling. Oops. I know better by now. Part of the reason I got burnt is because I haven't been wearing sunscreen for the past 6 months or so (I really hope no dermatologists read this). I do wear sunscreen on my face every single day to avoid wrinkles, but other than that I don't wear it.

The reason why I don't wear sunscreen is because you can't absorb vitamin D when you wear sunscreen, and vitamin D is so important. It helps your body absorb calcium, fight off diabetes, prevent depression, and much more. I think this is a pretty good justification. However, it is just that, a JUSTIFICATION. I probably will be singing a different tune if I get skin cancer someday right? We use justifications all the time when we don't want to do something, like exercise or eat our fruits and veggies. "I'm too tired to exercise," or "fruits and veggies are just so expensive," or "I'm too busy," or "I don't like it." Well, sorry everyone, but these justifications are just as bad as my justification about not wanting to wear sunscreen.

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