Saturday, December 28, 2013

3 Keys to Make Your New Year's Resolution Stick

2013 is ending, and as we usher in 2014, it's time to make some changes. A new you in the new year. It's time to talk about new years resolutions. It shouldn't be too surprising that the #1 new years resolutions in 2014 is to lose weight and #5 is to stay fit and healthy. I find this to be very inspiring. It's exciting to know that so many people care about improving their health. However, of those who set a new years resolution, only 8% are successful in achieving their goal. The good news is, it's absolutely possible for you to be in that 8% that finds success with their new years resolution! 

In order to do so, you need to be prepared. Let's start with the three main reasons that most new years resolutions fail, and what you can do about it. 

1. Set a specific goal. Sounds easy enough right? We've all heard this before. Statistics show that people who explicitly make resolutions are 10 times more likely to attain their goals than those who don't. How do you apply this? Set a specific goal, with both short term and long term details. Let's use the #1 new years resolution as an example. Making the resolution to "lose weight" is not specific. Instead, your resolution should look something like this: lose 25 pounds this year, 2 pounds each month, 1 pound every two weeks. Once you have a specific goal in mind, with both short term and long term detailing, it's so much easier to plan for success.

2. Find accountability before you start. When it comes to any goal, accountability makes all the difference. This is especially true with weight loss because there are so many levels to it. Between convenience foods and emotional eating, everyday exhaustion, and the unexpected things of life, a solid accountability partner can be crucial to keeping you on track and focused through out the year. The key here is finding a solid accountability partner. One who isn't afraid to put you in your place. One who truly wants you to be the best you that you can be. Whether it's a friend, your spouse, a colleague, or a health coach like me (wink wink!), find a solid partner NOW.

3. Set boundaries. No matter what your resolution is this year, we all have a weakness that will threaten the success of that resolution. Being able to predict that weakness, will greatly increase your chance of sticking with your resolution through out the year. This is where setting boundaries comes in. Let's look at an example. Say that your resolution is to exercise 3 days per week this year. If your main weakness for skipping the gym is due to exhaustion after work, then you need to start by setting some boundaries around your sleep schedule. On the night before you plan to go to the gym, set a strict bedtime for yourself. This bedtime boundary will greatly increase your chance of making it to the gym the next day.

Take some time in the next couple of days to reflect on each of these three areas. For more support, you can contact me here, to schedule a complementary 1 on 1 "New Year, New You" session. I would love to work with you on your new years resolutions to help you achieve your goals.

I'll also be blogging about each of these three areas in more detail in the coming week. To make sure you don't miss these follow up blogs, you can enter your email address into the top right hand corner. By doing this, these blogs will get sent directly to your email.

Wishing you Health, Hope, & Happiness in 2014

Saturday, December 21, 2013

December's Oil of the Month is...

This month I'm doing something a little different. Instead of showcasing one specific oil this month, I'm giving you some holiday recipes, that have essential oils in them. Because these oils are all natural, organic, and high quality, most of them can be taken orally. A great way to use them as natural healers is incorporating them into recipes. Below you will fine a few recipes that provide a healthier alternative to some standard holiday recipes.

Honey Glazed Ham

6 pound ham
1 cup honey
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
1/2 cup orange juice
2 drops cinnamon essential oil
2 drops clove essential oil
3 drops wild orange essential oil


  1. Combine honey, maple syrup, orange juice, and essential oils into a double boiler. Stir until combined. 
  2. Cook ham as directed on package. For last hour of cooking, baste glaze on top of the ham every 10 minutes using the glaze on bottom of the pan. 
  3. Repeat until ham is coked thoroughly. 
  4. For last 15 minutes of cooking, turn oven to broil. 
  5. Baste ham last time and broil for 15 minutes until ham is a dark golden brown color. 
  6. Take out of oven and cover with aluminum foil for 15 minutes or until ready to serve. 
  7. Enjoy glaze from bottom of pan as a sauce.

Gingerbread Cookies
(Gluten free, Sugar free, Vegan)

1 1/3 cup buckwheat flour
2/3 cup tapioca flour
2/3 cup sorghum flour
1 tablespoon chia seed meal
1 tablespoon flax seed meal
1/3 cup of coconut palm sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
2 drops cinnamon essential oil
2 drops ginger essential oil
2 drops clove essential oil
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
3 tablespoons water
3 tablespoons molasses
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
45 drops liquide stevia

  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  2. Combine dry ingredients into bowl and whisk
  3. Combine wet ingredients into a bowl and mix until well combined.
  4. Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients on slow speed until mixed thoroughly
  5. Put a small handful of buckwheat flour onto clean surface and put dough on top.
  6. Roll until 1/4-1/2 inch thick
  7. Take cookie cutter and cut out shapes. 
  8. Put cutouts onto cookie sheet. 
  9. Continue to roll out and cut shapes from left over dough until all the dough has been used.
  10. Bake cookies 12-15 minutes.
  11. Top with icing and whatever else you desire.
If you are interested in purchasing the essential oils needed for these recipes, you can order them here: 
- Click on "shop for products" in the top right hand corner.
- After entering the country of shipping, click on "single oils."
- Try using them this holiday season for healthier alternatives to these standard holiday dishes.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

If you missed last month's essential oil, click here, to read all about Cinnamon Oil and it's affects on diabetes and depression.

Friday, December 20, 2013

December's Newsletter - A Healthy Recipe for Christmas Dinner

I'm a huge proponent of finding healthier alternatives to standard recipes, especially during the holidays. Potatoes are one of the "standards" at Christmas dinner, whether mashed, baked, scalloped, or sweet. I want to encourage you to try sweet potatoes with your Christmas dinner this year.

Sweet potatoes help to reduce cravings for sugar because they elevate blood sugar gently rather than with the jolt delivered by simple refined carbohydrates, so there's no energy crash after you eat them. Much higher in nutrients than white potatoes and especially rich in vitamin A, sweet potatoes are a better and more healthy option. They are healing to the stomach, spleen, pancreas, and reproductive organs, and they help to remove toxins form the body.

For a healthier alternative to your typical potato dish on Christmas, or the typical brown sugar and butter, try this sweet potato recipe:

Sweet Potatoes with Lime and Cilantro

- 4 sweet potatoes (organic if possible)
- 1/2 bunch of fresh cilantro
- 2-3 limes

1. Wash the sweet potatoes and bake them whole, in their skins, at 375 degrees until tender, about 40 minutes
2. Wash and chop cilantro leaves
3. When sweet potatoes are done, slit open the skin and place on a serving plate.
4. Season with salt, then squeeze fresh lime juice all over, and shower with cilantro leaves.

Holy Yoga

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:11

Take some time to remember the reason for the season at Holy Yoga this week. Join us Tuesday at 9am and Thursday at 7:15pm as we read through the birth of Jesus. These will be the last two classes before the new year.

We will have no class the week of Christmas and the week of New Years. Classes will resume on January 7th. For more info about Holy Yoga in Long Beach, click here.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Turkey Meatballs with Cranberry Sauce

So many of you have been asking for recipes, and I hear you! This recipe is one of my favorites to serve at a party because it's gluten free, dairy free, and sugar free, so it's "user friendly" for any of your friends with dietary restrictions.

Turkey Meatballs with Cranberry Sauce

  • 1 package ground turkey meat, preferably organic :) 
  • 1 egg white
  • 1/3 cup ground raw sunflower seeds
  • 2/3 cup chopped dried cranberries, preferably organic :)
  • 1 small finely diced onion, sautéed
  • 2 cloves of garlic sautéed
  • 1 tsp thyme
  • 1 tsp oregano
  • 1/2 tsp sea salt
  • black pepper to taste

  1. Combine all of the ingredients together
  2. Roll into medium sized balls
  3. Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes

Sticky Pomegranate Sauce

  • 1/3 cup pomegranate molasses
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic minced
  • sea salt and pepper to taste
  1. Whisk all ingredients together in a small pan
  2. Simmer for 3-5 minutes until the mixture becomes sticky in consistency. 
  3. Serve as a dipping sauce.

Enjoy your meatball with your cranberry sauce!

Let me know how your meatballs and sauce turn out!

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Pomegranate & Kale Salad

So many people have been asking me for healthy recipes, so I wanted to start with a healthy, winter salad: Pomegranate and Kale Salad! Enjoy!

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes
Serves: 8

1 cup quinoa (measure uncooked)
1 large pomegranate
6 tablespoons pomegranate juice, from the pomegranate above
8 cups stemmed, chopped kale
1/2 cup finely diced celery
1 cup sliced almond (raw or lightly toasted if you prefer)
4 tablespoons of orange juice
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt

Cooking Instructions:

To prepare the quinoa: Rinse your quinoa in a fine mesh colander until the water runs clear; allowing as much water as possible to drain. Combine the quinoa with two cups of water, in a medium pot and bring to a boil. Reduce to low and cover, simmering for about 15 minutes until all of the water is absorbed. Fluff with a fork

To seed and juice the pomegranate: Firmly roll the pomegranate on the counter with the palm of your hand for about 20 seconds. Roll hard enough to break up the seeds (you'll hear them), but not so hard that you break the fruit open. Place a strainer above a large bowl and slice the fruit in half; juice will start spilling out immediately. Rolling the pomegranate loosens the seeds, so gently squeeze each half, cut side down, through the strainer. The strainer will catch the seeds and the juice will fall into the bowl. The pith (white part) should stay with the shell, if it doesn't you can simply pick it out. If there is a lot, place the seeds in a large bowl of room temperature water. The seeds will sink and the pith will float for easy separation. A large pomegranate should give you enough juice for this recipe.

To prepare the kale: One bunch of kale that's been stemmed and chopped will yield about eight cups. All of the ingredients in this salad are small so you don't want large pieces of kale to overwhelm it, so chop away!

To prepare the almonds: I prefer to always buy raw, unsalted nuts because it maximizes nutrition. Place your raw, unsalted sliced almonds in a small sauté pan over medium heat for about 5 minutes to lightly toast, tossing halfway through. They will be lightly fragrant and lightly golden brown. Watch them closely, nuts can burn very quickly. If you don't want your almonds toasted, skip this step.

Combine the pomegranate juice, orange juice, olive oil, and sea salt in the bottom of a large bowl; whisk together until emulsified. Combine the rest of the ingredients into the dressing and serve, or store in an airtight glass container in the refrigerator for up to three days.

I'll be posting more recipes throughout the month of December. Follow the blog so you don't miss any of them! Just put your email address into the box at the top right hand side of the page.

Wishing you Health, Hope, & Happiness

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Black Friday Sale

Thriving Through the Holidays is on SALE!

If you haven't signed up yet, this is the perfect time to do so.

On Black Friday only, this package will be 40% off! Thriving Through the Holidays has a retail value of $75, but from midnight to midnight, you can buy this package for $45.00 (Pacific Standard Time)!

This holiday nutritional program includes:

  • A list of foods that naturally stabilizes blood sugar, in order to counter act all of the extra sugar you'll be eating. This way you can still indulge in your favorite holiday goodies. 
  • A list of food recommendations that will help to boost your metabolism and keep you from gaining the standard holiday weight.
  • We will discuss stress management, sleep, alcohol consumption, and money; because our health is about so much more than just the food we eat.
  • Recipes! Each week you will receive multiple recipes. These will be healthier alternatives to the typical holiday meals. I want you to feel GOOD, not guilty, about the food that you're feeding your family.
  • A one on one consultation with me. This will give you an opportunity for some individualized recommendations.

If you want to hear more about this package, and what it has to offer, click here, or visit our website here.

For questions concerning Thriving Through the Holidays you can contact me at

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness on Black Friday

Friday, November 22, 2013

Thriving Through the Holidays

Through the month of December, I am running a special holiday nutrition program. This program is going to be online, so that you can participate on your own time, from the comfort of your own home.

Here is a look at the nutritional topics that will be covered in this program:
1. This program will NOT feature a specific diet. I won't be telling you what can and cannot eat.
Instead, we are going to discuss three main food topics: sugar, water, and vegetables. I'll give you a list of foods that naturally work to stabilize blood sugar levels, so that your body won't be so affected by all the extra sugar you are eating in the form of holiday goodies. I will follow this up with recommendations on how to incorporate some of these foods into your diet.

We will also discuss some minor changes you can make with your current vegetable and water intake, that will make an enormous difference in your energy level. I won't ask you to eat anything that you don't like. The key here, is that we will work with what you are already doing, so that any changes made are simple. I know you are BUSY during the holidays, so I want to make things as easy as possible for you.

2. This program is not based on deprivation. You will still be allowed to indulge in your favorite holiday goodies. I know I said it already, but I'm going to stress it again. I will not tell you what you cannot eat. Frankly, that would be a waste of my time, and would be unrealistic. Part of thriving through the holidays, is allowing yourself some indulgences. I get that, and I encourage that. This nutritional program is about working with what you're eating, not changing what you're eating altogether.

3. We will be focusing on more than just food. We will touch on stress management, sleep, alcohol, and setting healthy boundaries for yourself and your family, so that you can enjoy the holiday season without getting pulled into a million directions.

4. Recipes! Along with all of the other great content, you will receive a couple of recipes each week. These recipes will focus on holiday dishes made healthy. This way you can still go all out for Christmas dinner, but you can also feel great about the dishes that you are feeding your family.

How will this program work? 
1. It's all online for your convenience. Each Monday in December, I will send you an email with a video that introduces the topic of the week, a few downloads with additional nutritional information, a page of recommendations for you to implement into your diet, and a few recipes.

This way, you can review the information on your own time, and you can review the information anywhere, whether in your own bed, or at your mother-in-law's house. 

2. You will receive a one on one consultation with me. This consultation will take place over the phone, during the second week of December, and will last approximately 45 minutes. This way, we will have an opportunity to discuss any questions that you have, and review your specific needs, in order to give you more individualized recommendations. This consultation is valued at $98.00, but comes complementary with the cost of the program!

If you have any additional questions about this program, you can email me at

The deadline to register is Sunday, December 1st, 2013. 

The cost of the program is $75.00

I love love love the Christmas season. I truly believe that it is the best time of the year. I love the sappy Christmas movies, the decorations, the generosity that people have towards one another, the family gatherings, the Christmas music, and even the food. (Yes I love holiday food, despite the fact that I am a health coach). It's so sad to me when I hear others talk about how taxing the holiday season is for them. Phrases like "I'm doing my best to just survive the season," or "It's all I can do to just survive through this month," and "I'm just trying to survive right now, but come January I will…" One thing that all of these phrases has in common; survival. How sad is that? The holiday season should be the best time of the year. A time where you, your family, and your life should really THRIVE.

If you are someone that gets caught in survival mode during the holiday season, I really hope that you will consider signing up for this 30 day nutritional program. It may very well be one of best investments you make for yourself during this season.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

Monday, November 18, 2013

November's Oil of the Month is... Cinnamon Oil

In honor of Thanksgiving, I decided to blog this month on the benefits of Cinnamon Oil. (there is no turkey essential oil, so cinnamon was the closest I could get). Cinnamon was used in ancient Chinese medicine as a prescription for stomach aches, infections, as a tranquilizer, for a weak heart, and as an anti depressant.

Today Cinnamon Oil is used as a natural form of medication for two main diseases; depression and diabetes. 

I'm really passionate about diabetes prevention for two main reasons. First, it kills millions of people in this country every year, and for many of those people, it is reversible and preventable. The second reason I'm passionate about diabetes prevention, is because Type 2 Diabetes runs in my family. And when I say "runs in my family" I mean that almost everyone on my dad's side has it. The odds aren't in my favor!

Because Diabetes is one thing I do NOT want to inherit from my family, I have already started working to prevent it. One of the things I do, is use Cinnamon Oil on a regular basis. Cinnamon Oil reduces blood glucose levels, supports the pancreas in running efficiently, and improves blood circulation. Because Cinnamon Oil is considered safe for oral consumption, I usually add it to my oatmeal in the mornings for my breakfast. You can also put a drop under your tongue, or mix a drop into your water. 

Cinnamon is one of the oldest medications used for depression. Results vary widely among people, with some feeling no effects whatsoever. There is no sure fire way to know if Cinnamon will work as an anti-depressant for you, besides trying it out. Please do so with extreme caution!

If you are interested in purchasing Cinnamon Oil for yourself, you can order it here: 
- Click on "shop for products" in the top right hand corner.
- After entering the country of shipping, click on "single oils" to find Cinnamon.
- Try using it as an ingredient in your Thanksgiving dinner!

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

If you missed last month's essential oil, click here, to read all about Lavender and it's properties as a universal oil.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

November's Newsletter: Thriving Through the Holidays

It's hard to believe that the holidays are almost upon us. Just this weekend I saw a Black Friday commercial. It won't be long before the busyness of the season sets in, and with it, stress, exhaustion, and weight gain. What if, this year you decided to invest in yourself. To enjoy Christmas. to stay on top of your weight and your sleep. What would that be like?

Last year, I kept hearing people say that they were simply trying to survive the holiday season. It was all they could do just to be present. I thought, how sad is that? From that struggle, an idea was born.


Who: You! Or anyone else you know that tends to be stressed out, high on sugar, and sleep deprived throughout the entirety of the holiday season.

What: A 30 day, online, nutritional program designed to guide you through the holiday season in a healthier, more stress free way. I will give you tools for managing your weight and your time, without asking you to sacrifice your favorite holiday goodies, or your best friend's Christmas party.

When: The program starts Monday, December 2nd, and runs through December 31st. Sign up is open now, for a limited time only. Click here to sign up.

Where: Online, in the comfort of your own home. The holiday season is BUSY. I want to make this as time efficient as possible for your. 

How: Each Monday in December, you will receive handouts, downloads, and a video presentation from me. This allows you to go at your own pace, on your own time. You will also receive a one on one consultation with me to discuss the materials you receive, review questions you may have, and discuss your goals for making this holiday season your best one in years.

Why: The holiday season can be hard. There are candy and cookies everywhere you turn, there is the stress of extra bills, tense family gatherings, shopping, entertaining, and traveling. You're left feeling frustrated and exhausted. But, it doesn't have to be this way!

You don't have to settle for merely surviving the holidays. Allow yourself to THRIVE instead!

Sign up now! Click here to get started. Don't wait until it's too late. Sign up will close by the end of this month. Give yourself the gift of truly enjoying this Christmas season. Allow yourself to THRIVE this year.

Not sure if this program is right for you? Connect with me and I'll answer any questions you have.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

Follow me:
twitter: @Abby_Shroka
instagram: abbyshroka

Thursday, November 7, 2013

I Want to be FEARLESS

I want to be FEARLESS! That has been my prayer lately. That I would be bold and courageous. So full of faith, that no matter what comes my way that I fearlessly tackle it. 

One of my favorite songs is "Voice of Truth" by Casting Crowns.

Here are a few of the lyrics:
'Oh what I would do to have
the kind of strength it takes to stand before a giant
with just a sling and a stone
surrounded by the sound a thousand warriors
shaking in their armor
wishing they'd have had the strength to stand.'

I love love love King David! He's one of my favorite characters in the Bible because he lived radically, courageously, fearlessly, for The Lord. I think it's sad that he is more well known for his affair with Bathsheba, than he is for all of the mighty things that he did for God. When he was just a young boy he wrestled a lion with his bare hands because it was after the sheep he was tending. Before he was old enough to even be in the army, he fought and killed a giant with just a sling shot.

Who does that? Talk about courage! You can argue that he was just plain stupid, and that he's lucky that God protected him. But you cannot tell me that he wasn't fearless!

I often wonder what the world would be like today, if more of us lived fearlessly for The Lord. See I don't think that David was stupid or irresponsible when he did these radical things. The Bible says that David was filled MIGHTILY with the Holy Spirit. He was also a man of moral integrity who followed God's law. He never went into battle without consulting God first.

No, David wasn't stupid or irresponsible. He just knew where his power came from, and he knew the scope of capabilities that are given to us when we believe in God and are filled with the Holy Spirit.

Join me in prayer this week. Ask God to fill your MIGHTILY with the Holy Spirit. Ask God to give you the strength to stand before your giant with just a sling and a stone. Ask God for the kind of courage it takes to jump out of the boat and walk across the water towards Jesus, like Peter did. Ask God to make you fearless for him.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Nitty Gritty Love

Think back to a time when you were passionately in love. Everything was exciting. Colors were vivid. A shared touch left you feeling exhilarated. You were floating on air and all of your problems seemed to disappear. You were high on life. No matter what your nutrition was like, you were healthy, happy, and full of hope.

Relationships affect our health. That's no secret. The stress of a bad relationship can kill, while the euphoria of falling in love can heal. That's why marriage can play such a significant role in our health.

Married people, on average, live longer than single people.

A divorce can be devastating on your mental, physical, and emotional health.

Investing in your marriage is as important to your health as investing in your diet. There are so many ways that you can invest in your marriage. A great resource I have found for doing just that is a blog. Nitty Gritty Love is a blog that is written by a mother - daughter duo. The mother has been married for over 20 years, and the daughter has been married just a few years. Being "newer" married myself (it's been three years already?!), I enjoy the perspective that the daughter brings and I can really relate to her posts. However, it's also nice to get the tried and true advice that comes from decades of marriage.

Their blog posts are inspiring, helpful, and applicable. They never try to be someone they aren't, and usually blog off of their latest mistakes. I also like reading things that are unique. By this point in my marriage I've heard people tell me to make time for my husband, and to put his needs before my own about a million times. I don't need another blog to tell me that. And this blog doesn't.

Nitty Gritty Love speaks truth straight to me every single time. It gets deep from the first sentence and it actually talks about the REAL issues that we all struggle with, like finances, in laws, compromising, raising children, and if/when to have kids.

This blog has been such a blessing to me in the past 18 months. I strongly encourage you to visit it, read through it, and subscribe to it. I hope that it brings healing to your marriage, and subsequently, to your physical health as well.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

October in Pictures

Fall has officially hit SoCal. I had to paint my toes to match the season. 

Look at that birthday love! People sure know what I like. I had to teach yoga that night, so we didn't celebrate until that weekend. 

And we celebrated by going to a "pumpkin patch." It was our first in SoCal, and basically it was a county fair carnival that scared Greg out of having kids anytime soon. It was quite the experience, but we miss Curtis Orchard, the pumpkin patch from back home. 

And my birthday celebration continued with carving pumpkins.

Spike LOVES pumpkins. He seriously devours them. I think he would eat an entire pumpkin if I let him.

I met this sweet mama and her precious baby for lunch, and Lyndi and Chelsea happened to be having coffee next door. The crazy part is, none of us live remotely close to each other at all. We both were meeting half way. Divine intervention. Jesus is such a God of detail! Our lunch for three turned into a lunch for five.

I attended a women's retreat this past weekend at Lake Arrowhead. This was the view outside of my room. It's the first fall colors I've seen this year and I couldn't get enough. It made me miss home.

Did I mention that I couldn't get enough of the fall colors?

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

Saturday, October 19, 2013

October's Oil of the Month is Lavender

Lavender is one of the oldest oils, dating back to Medieval times, where it was used as perfume, and believed to be an aphrodisiac.

Today, Lavender is known as a universal oil, which means that it balances and repairs the cells in the body and generally works wherever there is a need. When in doubt, use Lavender Oil. This makes Lavender Oil a great essential oil to start with. If you've been interested in using essential oils, give Lavender Oil a try.

Some of the things that the Shroka household uses Lavender Oil for:
- Sunburns. In the last year, I've been sunburned twice. Both times, using Lavender Oil on the burn made a big difference. It helped to minimize pain, and prevented me from peeling. (I usually always peel when I get a sunburn). It had a cooling/ numbing effect that provided immediate relief. I applied lotion to my sunburn first, and then put 2-3 drops of Lavender Oil on my fingers and spread the oil across the sunburn.
- Headaches. My hubby has been super stressed at work lately. He has been coming home with tension headaches in the back of his neck at least once a week. A few months ago, I suggested he try Lavender Oil. I applied it directly to the area of pain on the back of his neck, and up into his hair line. Within minutes, he was feeling 90% better. He kept telling me how amazing the oil had worked. Now he uses it every time he gets a headache, and he has continued to get relief each time.
- Razor Burn. I've been getting razor burn when I shave my legs for a couple of months now. At first it was annoying, but after awhile it really started hurting, to the point that I dreaded shaving my legs. The only relief I found was using some of my hubby's face cream that he puts on after shaving. While it does work to dull the pain of razor burn, it makes me smell like a man, and let's face it, no girl wants that. It occurred to me to try lavender oil just last week after shaving, because I knew lavender was supposed to help "burns." It worked so well, within 30 seconds of applying the oil, the pain and redness was gone! I'm so relieved that I found something that not only works, but smells like flowers, instead of men's cologne.
- Insomnia. Lavender Oil is widely known to help with insomnia because it has a naturally calming/ anti-anxiety effect. I struggle with insomnia randomly, and I've tried using Lavender Oil twice for this issue. I will admit that it did not help me either time. I applied a drop on my pillow each time, and the only thing it did was make my sheets smell great. However, I want to encourage you to try Lavender Oil for insomnia because I have talked to so many people who have had great success with using it.
- Acne. This oil is also widely used for clearing up skin, whether that is in the form of scarring, rashes, hives, acne, or wrinkles. I've only used it for acne, and I have had great results. It works for me in removing redness, swelling, and pain from the pimples that are big, sore, and ugly. It doesn't necessarily clear them up faster (sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't), but it really helps to shrink them down and return normal skin color, so that I can easily cover them up with a little make up and no one knows they are there.

If you have had success using Lavender Oil for something else, share your story! I love hearing success stories from using essential oils. I believe so strongly in their medicinal properties!

If you are interested in purchasing Lavender Oil for yourself, you can order it here: 
- Click on "shop for products" in the top right hand corner.
- After entering the country of shipping, click on "single oils" to find Lavender.
- Experiment to find the many ways that Lavender Oil works to improve your health and wellness.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

If you missed last month's essential oil, click here, to read all about On Guard and how I use it to make all natural cleaning supplies.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

October Newsletter - Food as Medicine

"Possible side effects include: serious allergic reactions, difficulty breathing or swallowing, nausea, itching, dry mouth, vomiting, swelling of the hands and feet, excessive bleeding, headaches, weight gain, dizziness, drowsiness, fainting, diarrhea..." The list of possible side effects from standard medications is endless. It's no wonder more and more people are searching for a natural approach.

Instead of these standard side effects, how would you feel about the side effects that you can get from using food as your medicine: Increased energy levels, awareness, painless and easy digestion, sound sleep, less sugar cravings, lower cholesterol, feeling rested upon waking up, less joint pain, etc.

Below is a list of common ailments, and the foods that can be used as natural forms of medication.

Asthma: Eat onions. They help to ease constriction of the bronchial tubes.
Arthritis: Eat fish and tart cherries. Both have natural anti-inflammatory properties.
Blood Sugar Imbalance: Eat broccoli and peanuts. This helps to regulate insulin and blood sugar.
Bone Issues: Eat pineapples. The manganese in pineapples helps to prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures.
Coughing: Eat red peppers. The first cough syrup was made from ground red peppers.
Fever: Eat yogurt.
Headaches: Eat fish, ginger, and drink water to reduce pain.
High Blood Pressure: Eat celery and olive oil. Both have proven to lower blood pressure.
High Cholesterol: Eat garlic and white veggies, such as cauliflower and mushrooms.
Insomnia: Eat honey. It is a natural sedative and stress reliever.
Morning Sickness: Eat ginger. It settles the stomach and reduces feelings of nausea.
Stroke Prevention: Drink tea. It helps to prevent fat build up in your arteries.
Ulcers: Eat cabbage. It contains a chemical that helps to heal gastric and duodenal ulcers.

The key to using food as medicine is consistency. You can't expect to lower your blood pressure by eating celery dipped in olive oil, the day before you get your blood pressure checked. Instead, try
adding celery and olive oil to your diet between 2-5 times per week for a couple of months. If you are consistent, you will see results!

If you want to try using food as medicine, but aren't sure where to start, click here, to receive a "food as medicine" health questionnaire. Why settle for dizziness, drowsiness, vomiting, or any other painful side effect if you don't have to.

Holy Yoga

"I was having continuous shoulder issues and pain and it has decreased dramatically since I started practicing, not to mention I have greater flexibility, peace of mind, and less stress! Good for your mind, spirit, AND body." - Katy

After just a few months, Katy's health and wellness has increased! If you're new to Holy Yoga, or even yoga in general, I encourage you to give it a try. Come just as you are, do what you feel comfortable with, and let God take care of the rest.

There is an update to the Holy Yoga schedule in Long Beach. There will be no more Wednesday evening classes! Classes on Tuesday morning and Thursday evening will remain the same. For more information about Holy Yoga, class locations, pricing, and private lessons, please visit my website by clicking here.

God gave us food, not only to nourish our bodies, but also to heal us from ailments. Food was the first form of medicine, and if it is applied regularly, can be quite effective at healing our ailments.

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Doing the Splits - My Mount Everest

We all have "Mount Everests" in our lives. The things that we think are impossible. The things we think we absolutely cannot do. The things that we think would literally kill us if we attempted them. One of my Mt. Everest moments was when I started my business. Another was when I made the decision to quit drinking alcohol. Both of these were things I thought were impossible. There was a point that I actually thought quitting drinking might kill me. Not peacefully in my sleep, but a long, slow, and painful death. Tackling Mount Everest isn't for the faint of heart. It takes guts, determination, and perseverance. That is why people train for months, even years, with a professional, before taking on the climb.

In the same way, I believe that it's necessary to train ourselves in our personal life, so that when we are faced with a Mount Everest, we are fully equipped for the journey. This is why I've decided to attempt to master the splits. Since starting yoga, I have found incredible physical healing, and I have been able to do poses that I thought I'd never do in this life. I used to have an entire laundry list of "heaven poses." Now that list has shrunk to just a few, and splits is one of them.

To some of you, this may sound like a waste of time. Whether or not I can do the splits has absolutely no baring on my life. And I completely agree with that. However, it's the journey that will have a significant impact on my life. The mental up's and down's, the confidence that comes with accomplishing something that I never thought I would do, and hopefully I will inspire some people along the way. I will be posting weekly pictures of my progress on Instragram (abbyshroka) and Twitter (@Abby_Shroka). Feel free to follow along with me. (This will also serve to keep me accountable to this goal.) I will also continue to give updates here on my blog.

Why is this so important to me? Without conquering these "Mount Everests" in seemingly insignificant areas of my life, like yoga and the splits, I never would have had the courage to quit drinking. Instead I would have bought into all the lies that Satan was trying to tell me back then. I would have believed that my Mount Everest was unclimbable. But I didn't, and it wasn't. It will be a year this month since I quit drinking, and I am still very much alive. I'm healthier, happier, stronger, more bold, and incredibly thankful that I had the courage to follow through with that decision I made a year ago.

Monday, September 23, 2013

God Completes What He Starts

I struggle with bouts of insomnia when I'm under high levels of stress. Anxiety keeps me wide awake with the wheels churning in my brain for hours on end. It's exhausting.

Last night was one of those nights. I was beaten down from a long and frustrating week, exhausted mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. 

For the first time since starting my business I asked God to take it away. No more. I have no more to give. No more hope left. It's just too hard and I have no more fight left in me. I don't know what God saw in me when he called me to do this? 

Then this morning, I open my Bible app and this verse pops up:

"And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Christ Jesus" 
Philippians 1:6

And just like that God gives me a little bit more strength. A glimmer of hope is restored. I remember that it's ok that I don't have it all together. It's ok because it's about me. It's about God, and the work he is doing in me, and through me, and that God alone will bring this to completion.

So what is my job in all of this? It's my job to step out of the boat. It's NOT my job to figure out how in the world I'm supposed to walk on the water. Just step out of the boat. No matter how scary, how impossible, how ridiculous it may seem. No matter how inferior I feel. 

Step out of the boat and trust that God will complete the work he has started in me.

Wishing you all health, hope, & happiness

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August's Oil of the Month is On Guard

It's time to say no to the products we are currently using to clean our homes. Instead of making things more clean, these products are making people more sick, and poisoning our children and pets. 

A great place to start is with On Guard. It's an all natural essential oil known for it's strong ability to kill harmful bacteria, mold, and viruses. This oil can be diffused into the air to improve the overall air quality and wellness of your home. It can also be used to clean and purify household surfaces.

The unique thing about On Guard, is that it is completely safe, and can be used as a form of preventative medicine against colds and flus. Therefore, it is completely safe to your body, but lethal to harmful bacteria. Unlike our standard chemical cleaners that are proving more and more to be lethal to both harmful bacteria and humans. 

If you're worried about the "convenience factor," thinking that making your own natural cleaners will take too much time, think again. On Guard is so easy to use! There are a couple of different ways you can use it:
  1. You can diffuse it into the air. You can either set the bottle out on the counter for 25-40 minutes a day, with the top off. You can also buy a diffuser, and put a few drops of On Guard into the diffuser, so that the oil is sprayed into the air. 
  2. You can add a few drops onto a damp washcloth and then go to town cleaning your kitchen, bathroom, floor, tables, etc. No other products are needed. This oil is strong and effective against bacteria, mold, and viruses, so there is no need to saturate a towel. Simply add a few drops. It can't get easier than this!
  3. During cold and flu season, administer a drop or two to door handles, remote controls, kids toys, cell phones, and anything else that collects germs. This is a safer, but equally effective alternative to using bleach. 
  4. Use it to stimulate your immune system. Combine 1 drop of On Guard per 15 drops of coconut oil into a bottle. Mix well. Massage the mixture into your throat, stomach, bottom of feet, and under the arms. This will help to prevent colds and flus by stimulating your immune system. (I know this isn't a "natural cleaner" but this info is important! Who doesn't want a natural remedy for fighting colds?)
If you are interested in purchasing On Guard for yourself, you can order it here: 
Click on "shop for products" in the top right hand corner.
After entering the country of shipping, click on "oil blends" to find On Guard.

In case you need any more motivation to toss out the standard cleaning products and start using natural ones, here are a few scary statistics about the popular household cleaners you are storing under your kitchen sink.
  • Over 100 chemicals commonly found in homes have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer, and psychological abnormalities.
  • The average American uses about 25 gallons of toxic, hazardous chemical product per year, in their home.
  • The toxic chemicals in household cleaners are three times more likely to cause cancer than air pollution.
  • Only 1% of toxins are required to be listed on labels, because companies classify their formulas as "trade secrets."

If you are interested in purchasing On Guard for yourself, you can order it here: 
- Click on "shop for products" in the top right hand corner.
- After entering the country of shipping, click on "oil blends" to find On Guard.
- Enjoy peace of mind, knowing your family is no longer digesting those harmful chemicals you used to spray on your kitchen table and bathroom counters.
- Happy cleaning!

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

If you missed last month's essential oil, click here, to read all about Lemon Oil and how I use it to clean my kitchen counters.

Monday, August 19, 2013


I'm in that place where I can't pray. I try, but I just can't. All I can do is say the name "Jesus." It comes out in moans. It comes through tears. It comes in whispers that only I can hear. It comes with begging and pleading. Emotions too raw to name are attached to His name.

If you've never been in this place, I pray you never will be. If you have, then you know how much it hurts. This is one of those times where you need those prayer warriors in your life. You need others to cover you because you can't muster the words yourself.

There is a verse in the new testament that says "when we don't know what to pray for, the Spirit intercedes with groans that words cannot express."I'm so very thankful for this verse. Whoever wrote that verse was clearly in that place of muttering the name of Jesus over and over again on their knees. I'm so thankful for the Spirit inside of me. I'm so thankful for a God that can read my heart and understand every feeling, even when I can't express them, and don't understand them.

For months I have been begging God for deliverance. Asking him to intervene, to change our circumstances, to rescue us, to restore us. I have been asking earnestly for Him to show me what we are doing wrong. Search my heart! Tell me what we are doing that is preventing a swift deliverance? What is preventing your blessing. We have tried to do God's will. We have tried and tried. Now it's beyond just "tried." We have persevered with God's will. And still nothing.

Big. Fat. Silence.

Where are you God? Why have you turned away from us? Why have you hidden your face from us? Why have you allowed Satan to have us? Please, we are begging you, HEAR OUR PRAYERS!

And then, I got a call from my Nana. One of the most Godly women in my life. She told me this beautiful story. A miracle of God. She told me that when she heard about this miracle, she told her friend "isn't that so wonderful that God heard our prayers?" And then her friend responds, "God ALWAYS hears our prayers, He just doesn't always act in the way we ask Him to."

Wow. How true is that? God always hears our prayers. Always. He is hearing every prayer I am crying. Even the ones that my Spirit is crying because I can't even speak them myself. I don't know why He isn't acting. I probably will never know. But I know He hears. I know He cares. I know my deliverance is coming. Because I know who my God is.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

The KtKronicles

I wanted to take a minute to introduce a new blog that I'm following called "The KtKronicles." I love this blog because it is authentic and real, it's grace filled, and it gets to the heart of the matter right away. No surfacey stuff at all. She gets raw and real in her relationship with Jesus, and leaves me inspired to keep pressing on through another day with HOPE.

Most of all, she is relatable, through her joys and her struggles. I can see myself in each blog.

If you're currently in a "valley" of life, filled with hopelessness and despair, read Katy's most recent blog "365 Days." She talks about how God has taken her OUT of that place. She shows us that God really does keep his promises, He actually does provide in amazing ways when we need them most, and that the valley does come to an end. You can read it here.

Katy is a mom of 4, a writer, a Holy Yoga lover (seriously who isn't?), and a "wife in limbo" as she calls it. She also makes awesome all natural products like laundry detergent and facial cleansers. If you're looking to exchange those chemical cleaners in your home for some all natural ones, check out her stuff.

Visit her blog here, and take a read. I promise you won't regret it!

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

Thursday, July 25, 2013

July's "Oil of the Month" is ... Lemon

More than 7 million accidental poisonings occur each year from chemicals found in kitchen cleaners, with more than 75% involving children under the age of 6!
- The Columbia University College of Physicians & Surgeons

Over 100 chemicals commonly found in homes have been linked to allergies, birth defects, cancer, and psychological abnormalities.

Housewives have a 55% high risk of getting cancer than do women working outside the home due to the amount of exposure to the products they use on a daily basis.

A child is accidentally poisoned every 30 seconds at home, according the U.S. Poison Control Centers.

The average American uses about 25 gallons of toxic, hazardous chemical product per year, in their home.

The toxic chemicals in household cleaners are three times more likely to cause cancer than air pollution.

Only 1% of toxins are required to be listed on labels, because companies classify their formulas as "trade secrets."

If you haven't considered switching over to natural cleaners before, I hope you will consider it now, after reading the above statistics. These statistics are real, they are scary, and they will only continue to rise with each passing year as we become more dependent on these convenient, store bought cleaners. You don't have to rush over to your cabinets and start throwing out every cleaner in sight. Start easy and small, and slowly transition your house over to all natural cleaners. That way, you won't get overwhelmed and give up. Start with the essential oil known as Lemon Oil.

Lemon Oil is one of my favorite oils because it smells Ah-May-Zing!! Seriously I can't get enough of it. I love cleaning my kitchen with my homemade natural cleaner and having the entire house fill with the odor of Lemon Oil. Lemon Oil is a natural antiseptic, antifungal, antioxidant, antiviral, astringent. These properties make it the perfect natural cleaner for your house.

This Lemon Oil is extracted directly from real lemons, without the use of chemicals and toxins. This Lemon Oil is also known for it's medicinal properties that date all the way back to Christopher Columbus. Back in those days, Lemon Oil was used to fight food poisoning, malaria, typhoid epidemics, scurvy, and postpartum depression. Today, the French medical community still uses Lemon Oil to treat various infections. Needless to say, this Oil is safe to use in your home.

I don't use any chemical cleansers in my kitchen anymore. The only thing I use to clean my kitchen is a dishrag and Lemon Oil. I lightly wet the dishrag, and then I add a drop or two of Lemon Oil to the rag and wipe down my counters, clean my microwave, or wash out my sink. I also have a spray bottle with a mixture of water and Lemon Oil. I use this to spray my counters to wipe them down. Either method works great, it just depends on what is convenient for me at the time.

Making the natural cleaning spray is easy. Fill a spray bottle 3/4 of the way with water, then add drops of Lemon Oil. Start with ten drops and then test the spray by smelling it. As long as you can smell the refreshing odor of the lemon, it will work to clean your counter tops just fine. For a stronger smell, you can always add more drops of Lemon Oil.

I really want to encourage you to start using Lemon Oil as a way to clean your house. Especially if you have small children and pets, don't let them become one of the statistics above!

If you are interested in purchasing Lemon Oil for yourself, you can order it here:  
Click on "shop for products" in the top right hand corner.
After entering the country of shipping, click on "single oils" to find Lemon Oil.

For those of you who are interested in all natural cleaning supplies, next month, I will be featuring another oil that I use for cleaning around my house. Subscribe to this blog to make sure you don't miss it!

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

If you missed last month's essential oil, click here, to read all about Oregano Oil and how it works to boost your immune system.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Wait On Your Health With Passion

"Wait passionately for God; don't leave the path." Psalm 37:34 (msg)

Have you ever noticed that people don't last long on a new diet or exercise routine? Maybe you're one of those people. Take heart because you aren't alone! It is hard to find the time and make the necessary sacrifices to eat right and exercise. Especially when you aren't getting the results you want.

When you first start exercising and changing your diet over to a more healthy lifestyle, you're going to be doing a lot of waiting. Weight doesn't just melt off. It took months, and maybe even years, to put that weight on, so why should it take only days or weeks to take it off? It doesn't work that way! The same goes for reversing disease. Years of bad choices gave you diabetes and high cholesterol. Reversing that damage won't come easy.

The key is to wait with passion! In Psalm 37:34 it says to "Wait passionately for God, don't leave the path." What does it mean to wait passionately? I know what it means to wait negatively; to complain and worry while I wait. To lose hope and fall into despair. Feeling like there is no hope, this is when most people give up and quit their diet and stop exercising. Waiting is no joke! It can be hard. It can be frustrating. But know this: when you play by God's rules, and follow his will for your life, and for your health, you're going to be waiting.

Not only will you be waiting on God some point, but there is always a purpose in the waiting. Always. That is why God calls us to wait PASSIONATELY. He doesn't want us to just sit down, twiddle our thumbs, and complain while we wait for Him to work. He wants us to be learning and growing while we wait. He uses waiting to test our faith. He uses waiting to prepare us for what is ahead. He wants us to get all we can out of the waiting time.

How do you wait passionately when the weight just won't come off, when you aren't seeing any results? In the second half of our verse, God gives us the answer: "don't leave the path." In other words,  don't give up! God desires for us to remain in him through out the entire process. Involve him in your new diet and exercise routine. Ask Him to help you succeed every single day.

What are you waiting on right now? We are all waiting on God for something. 

Are you learning all you can about healthy eating while you wait?
Are you passionately remaining in God through this time of waiting?
Are you allowing God to prepare you, teach you, and train you, or have you sat back and given up? Have you slowly started to leave the path of a regular exercise routine?

What are you waiting on right now? 

Are you waiting with passion? Are you waiting in the middle of the path?

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Waiting with Confident Expectation

"But those who hope in The Lord will renew their strength," 
Isaiah 40:31a

I have yet to meet a person that truly enjoys waiting. There is a reason why it costs more to skip to the front of the line at an amusement park, why the early release of a popular movie sells out so quickly, and why people like to drive fast cars. Waiting stinks. It's not for the faint of heart.

In the Bible, the word "hope" and the word "wait" are sometimes used interchangeably. Depending on the translation of the Bible that you are familiar with, you may know a verse to have the word "hope" in it, while another translation has the word "wait." An example of this is in Isaiah 40:31a.  Many people know this verse to say: "But those who HOPE in the Lord will renew their strength," while many others know it to say: "But those who WAIT in the Lord will renew their strength."

This used to baffle me, because when I think of waiting, it is definitely not combined with positive emotions. When I'm waiting, I'm anxious, nervous, impatient, analyzing, and calculating. None of these emotions equate to hope.

In Hebrew (the language of the old testament), the word "hope," means to look ahead in confident expectation. The words "look ahead" and "expectation" do give us a sense of waiting, so it does make sense that these words are related. Instead of waiting in panic, and agitation, we should be waiting in confident expectation because of the promises we have from our God.

Our God promises to "Work all things out for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28

Our God promises that "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind can conceive, the things that God has in store for those who love him," 2 Corinthians 2:9

Our God promises "For I know the plans I have for you, declares The Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future," Jeremiah 29:11

With promises like these, we have every reason to hope in The Lord with confident expectation!

So let me ask you; what are you waiting on? We are all waiting on something. Are you waiting with hope, or with anxiety? Are you waiting with confidence, or with calculated stress? Are you waiting with expectation, or with despair?

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Going Vegetarian - My Story

In the spring I went through a few months where I was feeling really lousy. I was absolutely exhausted! All. The. Time. I couldn't get out of bed in the morning. I was sluggish all day, I didn't have the will to care about things that normally excited me. I had no energy whatsoever. After a month or so of this constant exhaustion, I started feeling really depressed and frustrated. In my despair, I realized that there was something really wrong with me. It wasn't just some type of cold, this was something serious. It was getting worse with each passing week, and it had lasted for months! Maybe it was thyroid? I knew I wasn't pregnant, but maybe my hormones were all messed up? Maybe a light case of mono?

I was baffled. My diet had never been better. I had slowly transitioned to a vegetarian lifestyle over the past couple of months. I had gradually upping my intake of whole carbohydrates, vegetables, and non-meat forms of protein, while I gradually decreased meat.

If there is one thing that I know to be true about the human body, it's that it is smarter than we think. It is smarter than our mind, because it knows when something is wrong with us before our mind knows something is wrong. It is also smart enough to communicate with us. And my body was absolutely communicating with me, I just could not figure out how to fix the problem.

Usually the first thing I do when I'm not feeling well, is to improve my diet. No matter how well I'm eating, there is always room for improvement. Nine times out of ten, this solves my problem. This time though, my diet was better than ever. I thought my body just needed to "catch up" with my new vegetarian lifestyle so I kept pressing on.

After three months of continued exhaustion, that had only gotten worse with each passing month, I finally had a breakthrough. I was meeting with a client, and we were discussing the Metabolic Type Diet. This diet is based off of the theory that their are three types of human bodies, when it comes to metabolism and digestion. There is the body that thrives off of protein, the body that thrives off of carbohydrates, and the body that needs equal portions of both. To find out which type you are, you take a lengthy quiz. As I was discussing this with my client, I began to wonder if maybe I was a person that thrived off of high levels of protein consumption.

I went straight home and took the quiz for myself. Turns out, not only does my body thrive off of high levels of protein, but I am so dependent on protein that I need both meat, and non-meat forms of protein at two out of three meals every single day in order for my body to run efficiently. It was like a light bulb had come on. All of a sudden it all made sense. As I had been decreasing the animal forms of protein from my diet, my energy levels had slowly decreased with it. Even though I had been making sure to eat non animal forms of protein with each meal, it wasn't enough for my body. My muscles had been weak, sore, and shaky for months, and my hair hadn't been growing (I'm growing my hair out, so it was really starting to annoy me that it was NOT growing at all for months on end. If you've ever grown your hair out, you know what I'm talking about). My body had been trying to communicate with me. It had been trying to tell me that it wasn't getting the right nutrients, it wasn't getting the foods it needed to grow and repair cells, it wasn't getting what it needed for me to have enough energy to make it through the day. Instead, I had been upping my intake of whole grain health carbs, which, according to my Metabolic Test results, do nothing for me. My results showed that my body is abnormally inefficient at digesting carbs. They basically go in one end, and out the other.

Immediately I switched my diet. I added crushed nuts to my oatmeal in the mornings. I started eating more eggs for breakfast. I started having meat for dinner every single night. I went crazy over protein. With DAYS I felt a difference! It took about two weeks of eating animal protein everyday before I really felt "back to normal."

I've always been a big believer that one size doesn't fit all when it comes to a diet. Ultimately it is more useful to listen to your body, versus a health professional (including myself!) because your body knows what it needs in order to be healthy. After this vegetarian experience of mine, I now believe this even more strongly! Do I think going vegetarian is bad? Of course not! Some people really thrive off of a plant based diet. Do I think going vegetarian is right for everyone? Of course not! Other people need animal forms of protein to thrive.

No matter what the current diet craze is, listen to your body first. It will tell you what it needs in order to thrive.

If you're interested in taking the Metabolic Type Quiz for yourself, click here to sign up!

Wishing you all Health, Hope, & Happiness